Guo Yun's Dilemma

Steffanie's days in the filming set were not so great after finding out Li Yiwei's true nature. He wasn't the good-looking gentle type that he showed when they first met. He was a man with evil intentions. Just why did her father decide to let him manage her matters?

As soon as Li Yiwei left, he didn't walk too far and found the men's restroom. He looked around the place a bit before making sure that nobody was inside and finally locked the door. He took his phone out and searched for an unregistered number before pressing to call it. 

It took a few seconds before the call connected. 

"Hello, Miss Ran?" Li Yiwei's tone became soft and polite. "I've done what you have ordered and kept Steffanie monitored. She's currently a mess right now but she still hasn't told me where Shi Lian was."