Little Zhanzhan Taking a Babysteps to the World

Ran Xueyi could not hold back the tears that pooled into her eyes. Three years ago, she thought that she was the only one who was having a hard time and suffering. But she didn't think that Song Yu Han had it too hard. 

When she was hurting and having pregnancy pains, he watched her. And as much as he wanted to step forward and support her by just being by her side, he couldn't do it because of the things and people that he had made enemies with. 

Thankfully, all the misunderstanding and hidden events that took place in their lives within that three years of separation was revealed before it could take root in their hearts. 

Little Zhanzhan, who was growing bored, suddenly raised his head and looked ahead towards the fountain across the balcony that they were at. A young girl was playing near the fountain together with another two girls. 

"Mommy, can I play there?"