Unexpected News

Ran Xueyi quickly took a shower and went to sleep next to Song Yu Han. Guo Yun was considerate enough to take up the big brother role to Little Zhanzhan and has been by his side whenever they weren't. 

The next day arrived quickly and Adelle knocked her first against the door, waiting for Ran Xueyi to turn up. 

"I expected you two to be so lovey-dovey but I didn't mean that you have to be stuck with him. What's going on?" Adelle couldn't help but complain as they went down to the lobby. 

"Don't look at me. This question... shouldn't you ask that to the primary suspect?" Ran Xueyi threw the question back at her. 

However, Adelle only flinched before whispering, "Do you think I'm a cat? Even if I have eight life left, I wouldn't dare gladly offer them to death."