The Little Tyrant Back at Home

Grandmaster Qin and his disciple finally left the park in a good mood. How could they not? Angel's Gambit was successfully done and his master could display the moves to the world and boast it to the other grandmasters!

Qin Kun's mood, however, didn't become bright because he finally got to see a clean path for his new moves in chess. Rather, he couldn't keep his mind away from the little boy who helped him complete Angel's Gambit. 

Who could that boy's parents be? They taught him to play chess and nurtured him to be so smart about it too. 

Usually, children his age would be more inclined to play mobile games at home or play simple children games in the park. But it didn't look like the little boy wanted to play with the other children in the park. On the contrary, the way his eyes lit up after teaching him how to move the chess pieces across the chessboard, made it pretty obvious that the game of chess was far more interesting to him than the playground.