Consider (Happy 500 Chapters!)

What Zhao Fei wanted was not Feng Huai's gratitude. True, she was showing off her great kindness as if she was a saint helping out unfortunate others. But a saint shouldn't possess any evil intentions, right? 

Now thinking about it, Zhao Fei's detailed care towards Feng Huai was suspicious. Is that how a senior agent should act towards their assistants? 

Zhao Fei probably is a special case. 

Elder Wu Qi didn't know what Ran Xueyi was thinking about as he continued to discuss the outcome of this matter: "Through their combined actions of selling their assets, they accumulated almost 200 million yuan. It was enough to pay for the lawyers and Dauntless' settlement money. After we filed our case, the court opened a trial again. We were told to either settle the matter privately or legally. We chose legally."