Precious Time

WARNING: Mention and depiction of violence.

The man was tied up in a chair and had his head lowered. His wet hair was sticking close to his face, and one could even see bruises and cuts on his face. 

Even though several people entered the room they kept him in, the man remained unresponsive. 

"Wake him up." 

Andrew ordered and one of the three men overlooking the captive, move forward with a bucket filled with water, tossing it towards the unconscious man. 

"Haa!!!... Cough! Cough!" 

The man awoke instantly, feeling cold from the water, and also flinched at the pain that came from the many cuts on his body. 

After inhaling and exhaling like a fish that had just jumped ashore, the man finally raised his head, only to see that there were several men in front of him.