A Meal with the Devil (2)

A meal with him? 

Alina didn't think she would be in a situation where she could eat peacefully with the man who captured her and possibly bring harm to Ran Xueyi. 

But here she was, sitting at a long dining table filled with mouthwatering food, with a psychopath and a white fox on each side. 

The man, whose name she still doesn't know, elegantly used his fork and knife to cut through his food. He didn't glance at her even once as soon as the food appeared before him. 

Similarly, the white fox also had its own plate, and a butler was beside it, serving it with its own food. 

Between them, Alina sneakily licked her lip and looked away from the food. It's not because she was not hungry. It was because she belatedly realized how crazy it was to accept the offer of the man, whose henchmen almost killed her.


Alina looked at the man. 

Surprisingly, he finished his food quickly and was now wiping his mouth with a cloth.