Vigorous session inside the carriage***

The carriage entered the northern district. There were not many people outside at this moment and only half an hour had passed as Immortal Wine Hotel was near the borders of the northern district.

Running through the dark road, the few pedestrians didn't know that such a profane act was going on inside this large carriage.

Fu Qiai was below me, her legs spread apart, her clothes practically non-existent. They didn't cover her modest breasts. I stood towering over her petite body, straight like my manhood.

I held my dick and aligned it near her hole. The moment it entered her canal, I felt a sublime pressure and pleasure acting upon my rod. Fu Qiai gasped hard and held my hands.

In the eyes of her cousins, a raunchy scene unfolded. They saw their miss getting penetrated by master Xuang's new disciple. My thick meat ploughed her wet lands and they couldn't help but rub their own private areas.