Let me clean your insides***

Entering the bathroom after unequipping her sword, Lingling waited for my instructions. Instead of words, I ordered her with music.

The tune of the flute changed and the tone became a little mischievous. Hearing it, Lingling started removing her hunter's outfit one by one.

First, she touched the leather belt wrapped on her slender waist. Pulling it, she loosened her upper shirt and the trousers.

I placed my foot in the full bathtub and played the flute. It was normal hot water. This hotel had a pipeline and always filled the customers tub with hot water, making it ready.

Throwing the leather belt, Lingling glanced at me with a flushed and shy face. Then, she slowly pulled her blue pants down. I saw a white cloth covering her pure part. I then paid attention to her shapely hips and slender thighs.

Lingling undressed her lower body and threw her trousers. Due to practising the Jade Sword Body, her actual body had gained the properties of Jade.