Episode 1: Khaos | Origine Mundi

The world began with nothing. From nothing came Khaos. Greek myth regards Khaos as the first primordial deity to exist, the supposed gap between Heaven and Earth. With Khaos came chaos, energy. The universe began to breathe, and with each exhale the world's breath blew out onto the many observable and several unobservable universes as the Alpha Force. The Alpha Force is the guiding light that exists within every single living creature. It is life itself. With the Alpha Force, we give credit to the entirety of our way of being. We speculated that we weren't the only ones given existence from the Alpha Force. We believed that there was more life out there to be discovered. We were right.

Beyond the excitement of the discovery of new life comes the opposite, fear for the climax of our own life. For every alpha, there is an omega. The Omega Force is but an absence of life. A nothing that in of itself is its own identity. Within the cycle of Alpha and Omega comes the birth and death of every living creature. While some like the tortoise's cycle may take hundreds of years to experience the cold rush of the Omega Force, it only takes a fraction of that for a dog to ultimately succumb. So, as entire civilizations and species fall to the act of the Omega Force who then do we as humans think that this force can be stopped? What chance do we think we have against what has regularly and routinely fulfilled its role since the creation of the entire universe? A will to survive, that is how. With a will to live, determination, we know our end is coming yet declare our life in opposition. One day maybe life will listen.