Episode 2: Dusk | ad finem

The world ended.

Of course, that statement's validity depends on how you define world. Humanity's world ended in 2042. To the rest of the galaxy human immigration finally took off; some species like the Yeltians wondered if they would ever leave their planet. Some might say that the humans had their destruction coming; they deserved it and then some. Others like the Illith sympathized with the Humans when they lost their way. Modern historians would argue that the destruction of Earth was the catalyst for the next step in human evolution. They say that 2042 was the year humans became what they were destined to be; ditching their former bodies to cybernetic hosts that could survive the extended years traveling space.

The humans spent the better half of a century as a slave force for a rebel Lunfilios faction on Charon—one of Pluto's moons—before a hero faded by time liberated those enslaved. The survivors were guided to a magnificent rock which eventually became a communal planet neutral to many nearby races and clans named Sayar. Nobody knows where the hero went; he simply vanished.

Humanity reconstructed their society from scratch. They soon adapted to their surroundings, eventually creating a new capital on Sayar named Atmos. Their economy grew and underwent an industrial age by the twenty-third century. Humans had restructured their lifestyle since leaving Earth. The only one left with any memory of life on Earth was the elected council member, Andrew Cress. He was revered as a just ambassador for all of humanity for five millennia. It isn't until the year 7,423 that a human unlike most others wakes up on Sayar—a previous inhabitant of Earth.

Alex Sharpe lived on Earth during the 1970's and found her way into a dubious cult named Next Level led by a science professor by the name of Noah Marshall. Not much is known about Mr. Marshall and his cult except what has been resurfacing to Alex's consciousness over time. Her spirit somehow woke up in the body of a mysterious vagabond that went missing for the past seven years by the name of Roland Duschand. Possibly worst of all is the sudden revival of Cross, the leader of the mechanical Dromedan race who wishes to see the entirety of Sayar burn. He seems to have a connection with Alex as the essence that he awoke to was a desire to search out for her.

With one end comes a beginning; a new life on Sayar meant to stop the threat of the genocide. The year is 7,423, and we resume in the small fortified bunker just on the outskirts of what used to be Pandera City, Sayar's capital. Alex has traveled with Jesse Anderson, the Messian head of the archives for Pandera and an overall expert on galactic history. He's appointed himself as Alex's guide through her new life. This trip led to the death of a Breeton soldier—Bartz—to an ambush led by Cross. Morale has dropped from the looming threat of war, but hope still survives as long as the will to continue fighting burns inside the hearts of those of Sayar.

A will Alex knows all too well.