First and foremost, this dedications list is the first in a long while for my books considering the last time I'd made one was all the way back in 2012 during the original conception of DREAMER. It's surreal to think that I've come this far, but I'm honestly so grateful to every single person who has shown interest in my stories. Each of you has played a part in contribution to how these stories have unfolded, and I thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Next, to Hannah who encourages me to do my best in everything that I do. The smile to my every facial expression. I can say that this story and all of my writing from this point on could not have existed without you. You're my lifeline and to which I owe a forever of gratitude.

Finally, some major props to my best friend, Luke Knight. From bouncing ideas to teasing possible plot points to going completely radio silent; my writing has evolved because of your help whether you know it or not, and know that I am eternally grateful for all of the help that you have provided. And least of all to mention the direct inspiration of a character in my next book.