Andrew's life doesn't change much until he enters high school as compared with the other children. Minor differences come from the absence of Jen in his life, but his path remains as a constant until the events that would have been the Radical-9 Incident never come to pass. David never commits suicide and Andrew has two strong parental figures in his life that help give him the attention he needs to develop into himself fully—he doesn't feel the need to escape into his games. He continues strong in school and joins up for the debate team as he had in Universe Prime.
However, this time around when the founding members of the team graduate ahead of him he keeps the team running, becoming its new head and sticking with his passion. He later would recount that team as the first thing that had piqued his interest in becoming a lawyer. He continues with the debate team all the way to his high school graduation and even continues on toward college and law school after that. He does well enough in school to help his way. His journey through college leads him to meet many new friends that come and go through his life—nothing too permanent however. It isn't until he manages to secure an internship with a local law firm that he truly begins to break out of his shell and succeed.
Lindsey is very similar to Andrew in the fact that a large portion of her early life is a constant in this new history. The first major change that affects her life is that her older brother Aaron doesn't die in Elysium, nor does he ever play it. He definitely struggles with having a very addictive personality, but his situation doesn't completely overwhelm him like Elysium did and the two are able to survive in their run down motel after the two of them run away from home just like in Universe Prime.
Unfortunately, Lindsey is still a survivor of sexual abuse in the home, but she doesn't have Andrew to confide in nor does she ever meet him in Elysium. She's hardened her heart almost similar to how she acted toward the start of the journey through Elysium—caring about little else other than the well-being of both her and Aaron.
She attends school online, but doesn't do too well since she constantly becomes stressed and overloaded with flashbacks to her father and otherwise horrible home life. Some years down the line she graduates from school and passes on going to college. It isn't like she doesn't want to go, but both she and Aaron only have part time jobs, and Aaron's stressing as it were concerning his tuition of his last few years. Time passes as normal and things begin to go all right for the Berrant siblings.
One day in the summer of 2027 their father shows up out of the blue at their now-apartment down near Denver. He appears with threats, saying that if they didn't return home immediately he'd throw the book at them—accusing them of theft—and they'd never be able to fix their futures. They find themselves with little option other than to seek legal assistance against their father. This causes them to cross paths with Andrew for the first time—who from at first sight falls for his new client.
Andrew isn't the one directly overseeing her case, but an advisor to the lawyer who is, Darian Nathan. but he overtakes the role when tensions rise between the two over disagreements of how the case should be handled. It highlight's Andrew's ethic in the courtroom and establishes a firm foot in the door as he seeks justice for Lindsey and Aaron, defending them from their father.
The trial itself lasts several months and within those months Andrew and Lindsey begin talking to each other—nothing but the very minimum at first, but as the months progress and she sees how hard and long he has been fighting for their justice she begins to warm up to him. Soon after the trial concludes in the middle of 2028, Lindsey and Andrew begin dating.
It's a bumpy road to start; she's two parts withdrawn and cold due to the time she's been caring only for Aaron and herself. Andrew's resilient and tries to be there to help her break free of the abuse that she still keeps locked around her heart. He offers therapy and she denies at first, but eventually comes around and long term the two start to really connect how they did in Elysium.
The two don't get married until 2032. They choose to wait until Lindsey is fully done with therapy and Andrew's heavy caseload dwindles down. They decide against children; Lindsey isn't interested and Andrew agrees that he doesn't think that any child he has would be given the right amount of time considering the hours he has to put in for work. She does however wish to go back to school so that she can try for a teaching license.