Sightseeing The Town Festival

Duke Romanov was now technically her husband and just being around him made Sophie feel a tad more nervous than she had ever been with other people. It could be because she had been intimate with him.

She knew what it felt like to be lying beneath the man while she was in bed with him, how his taut muscles had been… Sophie felt her face suddenly flush. She didn't want to admit it aloud but when she did look at him, she realized how outstanding his physique was.

Sophie didn't want to compare it to Nicholas, but Duke Romanov was more burly and muscular. If she could associate Nicholas with the word graceful, then, Duke Romanov was the definition of strength. 

Even though she wanted to forget the memory of them sleeping together, today, it came back and became more vivid than before. Seeing him sitting upright beside her, looking outside the window, Sophie's mind went back to their wedding night.