Luciel & Jan

"Please do not feel burdened or anything at all," Leland said flatly. "I haven't got the chance to speak about this with you before, but what are their names?"

The Alpha thought that perhaps making light conversation would help Sophie sleep better because the instant that Leland started carrying the two babies in his arms, his own heartbeat seemed to lull them to sleep along with his swaying.

"Ah, their names…" Sophie had thought long and hard about it before. Since she hadn't known the gender of the baby and only expected one, she had actually wanted to name it 'Annabeth' after her mother.

If Nicholas had been around, perhaps he would have wanted to name them after him or his father? Sophie smiled a little gloomily and knew that she could not find any answers from her former husband.

"Luciel and Jan," she said shyly. She didn't have any particular reason why she chose those names. She just liked them.

Leland seemed to agree.