The Coven Of Witches

< Gazi Desert >

< Frisia Kingdom >

"We have finally gathered at long last, my dear sisters!" The Grand Witch Elaine greeted her people with a spark of fire in her eyes. 

All of them were gathered underneath the moonlight.

It was a spectacle for any of those who might have caught sight of them and it would have been the last sight for any unsuspecting travelers that actually did see them. 

The fire in front of them all burned brightly with righteous fury as the Witches all tipped their hats at one another and greeted each other with tidings. 

Katherine who excused herself from tutoring Sophie and her other countless jobs finally traveled out from Hastings to the outside of Riga and was among them. 

There was a smile on her face as she joined this large group of her people. It was finally great to be here at last and no longer hiding continually among the humans because now it was time.

A coven for witches.