Nicholas And Karenina Are Pressured For Marriage

Nicholas immediately glanced around the room and tried to remember which part of the castle's layout usually had their secret passages. "If I were going to hide the passageway, then…"

He approached the wall behind the bed and crouched down. Nicholas touched a loose brick and twisted it around. He heard the sound of stones moving and craned his head around in search of a doorway.

A gust of wind suddenly drew his attention to one of the curtains. He pulled it open and saw the dark opening. He finally stepped inside. It reminded Nicholas of the time when he was in his Uncle Joseph's castle.

It didn't take too long for the king to locate his mother when he saw another exit. He stepped out into the light and found the Queen-mother hunched over several books. There were several tall bookshelves around her. 

Nicholas realized that they were in a part of the royal library where he had never once stepped in before.