Leland's And Sophie's Romantic Getaway


Sophie really enjoyed their getaway. The fresh air, new scenery, and alone time with her mate help lift her mood. She felt calmer and happier and could even stop worrying about Luciel and Jan after one day.

After she woke up from her nap, she enjoyed the grilled fish prepared by her mate. She didn't usually like fish, but somehow, this time she was crazy about it and she ate a lot. Leland was happy to see her appetite grow.

He was sure this must be her pregnancy hormones. He loved her so much and didn't know that he could love her even more, but he apparently did. He thought she looked more beautiful by the day and there was something sexy about knowing that she was carrying his pup(s) in her womb.

It was like finally knowing she and him were connected in an unbreakable bond in the form of their offspring together. He could have something from her that was genetically his.

"Do you like it?" He asked her attentively. "I can catch more."