Cooking Together

The housewarming party went without a hitch. They just drank and talked and later Nicholas helped Sophie arrange her stuff in her new home. Sophie offered to host them for dinner which was gladly accepted by the king and his mother.

To celebrate their new home, Sophie insisted on cooking herself even though two cooks had already prepared to do it. She said she wanted to do it since it was a special occasion. 

"I am only pregnant, not disabled," Sophie repeated her words to remind Nicholas when the king showed a worried expression at hearing Sophie's decision to cook. She added, "This is a family dinner. The first one and we are having it in my new home, the first home I ever own myself. I want to make it special."

Nicholas looked at Sophie deeply and finally nodded. His eyes were misty when he remembered many years ago he and Sophie stayed in her parents' humble hut by the Blackwoods Forest and they cleaned and cooked together.