Nicholas' Proposal (1)

After Sophie read the bedtime story for Anne and Jack, she realized her son was already sleeping on the bed with his mouth wide open. His big body dominated the bed that was meant for one person and pushed the petite Anne almost to the edge of the bed. This sight made Sophie shake her head.

She thought Jack was adorable. His personality came out more prominently now that he could express his feelings with facial expressions and words.

"Gosh, Jack... you shouldn't have taken that much space. Now your sister can't sleep," said Sophie with a click of her tongue. She wanted to nudge Jack to wake up and move to his own bedroom, but Anne opened her eyes and sleepily held Sophie's hand.

Sophie was surprised to see her daughter awake. "Why aren't you sleeping?"

Anne yawned and said softly, "I was sleeping, but I felt squeezed."

"I'll wake him up so you can have the space to sleep," said Sophie.