That thing or failure has a name

I was pulled out from the other side and I drowsily opened my eyes. My head began to hurt as I felt my dark side mend into my mind. So the person that hurt me but saved me was Dante.

I looked around the room. This wasn't my room. But the bed was comfortable. I pulled the duvet over me but that's when I realized that something felt out of place. It took me a while to recall all the events that took place last night.

I felt something slip over my waist pulling me backward. Hot air breathed down my neck. A shiver went through my spine. I lifted myself trying to pry away but then I felt it latch onto me. It was a hand, a very strong hand that had a death grip.

I didn't feel any danger with whoever was gripping me. I am shocked but I felt a sense of protection. I twisted around, turning slightly, only to find his face inches away from me once again but it wasn't from him kissing me last night, this time he was fast asleep. The sun's morning rays hit his face.

I blushed as I remembered our heated make out session. A session that had almost gotten out of control…

He looked peaceful, angelic but was it possible for a demon to look like an angel?

Heat rushed throughout the surface of my skin when he inched closer to me. He was caging me once again. I put my hands on his shoulder, trying to push him away. No matter how many times I tried to push him away. His grip on me tightened more.

I groaned and looked up at his face, only to find him wide awake and staring at me with an amusing smirk.

"Good Morning sweetheart," He grinned and I was about to argue when the doors to the chambers barged open. I scooted far away from him and somehow I missed his warmth. I clambered out of the bed and I felt him grab my wrist.

A couple of guards walked into the room shielding a person that wore a grey cloak.

"Well, this is quite the surprise... I never expected to see a failure and a monster together."

A female's sultry voice announced as she stepped past the guards. Her name was Eduarda, the witch. She pulled the cloak that hid her face back. Her dark purple pinkish eyes had a gleam of something evil in them and her hair matched her eyes and personality. She was one of the people that I wanted to get my revenge on. She was one of the people that destroyed me, the person that made me feel dirty and dishonored of myself.

"It would have been nice if you knocked instead of just barging into my chambers." From my peripheral vision, I could see the annoyance written on Dante's features.

"Oh, did you not hear us knocking? It seems that the two of you were having quite fun here. You should share some of that thing with some of the guards. I'm sure they would love that." She replied oh so happily. I was getting angry and I could feel my dark side manifesting within me, scratching to get out.

Dante quickly came and stood in front of me shielding me from Eduarda. He's protecting me again...

"That thing or failure has a name or did you forget that Eduarda, her name is Serah and I will not be sharing her with anyone." Dante seethed growling, gripping my wrists.

The guards reacted to his words and brought their swords out securing the protection of Eduarda. But she didn't need protection. The guards needed protection from her. She smirked at his words and made eye contact with me.

"The 'princess' needs to make her appearance before the council. I have only come here on behalf of them to formally bring her there." Not once did she break her contact with me.

"I will personally escort her there but for now get out of my room." Dante calmly replied but I sensed a storm brewing. And with those final words, she curtsied and walked away closing the door behind them.

Dante sighed and held his head contemplating. He turned around to face me and my gaze softened but I still had my guard up. His other hand still held my wrist. He protected me... there were so many things running through my head but I kept questioning him.

"Tell me why? Why do you do all of that for me? Why did you protect me from her?" I argued with him.

"Because the reason she came to this side of the castle was to play with you and then bring you to the council to receive their punishment. If I hadn't remained with you since the day I brought you here then everyone would have continued having their ways with you!" I went silent from his words. And he stepped closer to me.

"I know at least a million questions are running through that pretty head of yours but just remember one thing, from now onwards, you are to remain within my sight. If you do, then I can protect you-"

I cut him off.

"I don't need your protection. I'm not the scared little girl I once was. They can try to harm me but this time I will fight back. And who do you think you are trying to be my knight in shining armor?"

"Technically I'm currently shirtless and only in some shorts but if you think I'm a shining knight then I will gladly be your knight, my dear princess." He winked and smiled, which only seemed to rile me up. He completely changed the topic. He dropped my wrist and stretched his muscles and body.

"You are so weird. I don't get you. First, you come to Terrae to capture me, and then you kiss me, kill my shell, and then brought me back. Stopped me from murdering Alex, forced me to come to your room, then you kissed me yet again and you didn't even stop me from trying to kill you." I muttered to myself but he heard my words.

"And then I calmed your dark side and claimed your lips again. Did I get it right?" He had that amusing smirk again and I crossed my arms over my chest. He may have saved me more times than hurting me... but that still doesn't explain what happened that night.

"Why did they send you to bring me back?" I questioned as he began walking towards a door, which I assumed could only be the washroom. He reached for the doorknob, pausing for just a moment before glancing at me.

"Cause I was the only person that could kill you."

That was all he could say and stepped inside the washroom, leaving me standing there with those words running through my mind. But that was where he was wrong. He isn't the only person that could kill me. There was someone else... someone that despises me...

'He' was the reason why I left. And now that I have returned... he's going to stop at nothing to get back at me but I will be waiting. Let's see who shall live and who will die.
