The Crimson Pill

I wasn't sure what time it was when I had regained my consciousness. Wincing, I sat against the wall. I tugged at the chains, trying to break them. But it was sealed with magical essence on the walls. The prison cell was covered in dirt and hasn't been used since the last time I was here. The green moss covered the walls and the damp smell was spewed throughout the room.

The flaming torch flickered in the corner of the room barely lighting the area. I perched myself upright glinting across the room until I paused at the corner of the cell directly opposite me. I wasn't alone. His flaming red hair kept me on edge. From the low lighting, I could make out the smirk that crossed his features.

"What do you want Zecane?" He tilted his head to the side. I could feel his eyes roaming my body. It made me feel disgusted. Abruptly he stood up and when I blinked, he was in front of me. He grabbed my chin lifting me to face him. With his other hand, he held a red pill that swirled with darkness around it.


I knew what he wanted to do when he showed it to me. That pill will make me succumb to my desires. I will be forced to appease my darkest desires. And he wanted to be the one to do it.

"Now be a good sister and take your medicine." I turned away, afraid of what I'll become. I didn't want this, these chains were my weakness and now he wanted this. I shut my eyes, clenching my mouth shut.

He then punched me in my stomach. I gasped from the pain and he took that as his chance as he shoved the pill in my mouth. He put his hand on my mouth, so I wouldn't spit the pill. This was bad... he would be able to do anything to me now that I'm chained here.

In the end, I had no choice but to swallow the pill. And I could feel it immediately taking its effect as my body grew hot with need. I had to fight this. I wouldn't let him take me.

"Don't worry dear sister. No matter how much I want you for myself. I will have you in the end. But for now, I want to see you writhe in pain."

The doors to the cell opened and a couple of guards walked inside. I tugged at the cuffs. I had to escape. I wasn't going to be their woman tonight.

'Help me!'

I screamed internally to my dark side. I felt so weak. I didn't want this. And when I closed my eyes, I wanted it to end. Their hands inched closer towards my chest and then I wished for someone to save me.

A flash of white...

At first, I thought it was a blinding flash that blurred through my closed eyelid. But when I slowly opened my eyes... all I saw was blood. The color red splashed against the snow-white coat he wore. Dante stood with his back turned to me. In his hand was a sword that was coated with blood from the fallen guards. And when he glanced to Zecane...

I saw the hatred in his eyes, the anger that swirled in his silver-white eyes. I sighed in relief. But I was still on guard. My body ached from the pill.

With his sword at hand, in an instant, it was at Zecane's throat. He didn't even flinch from the impact. He only smirked evilly, with both his hands in the air, surrendering to Dante. His life was more valuable than a shag.

In a puff of red smoke, he disappeared, leaving Dante and me alone with the dead. My body felt like an oven, my clothes clanged to me from the sweat. I was panting and I despised feeling this way. I was powerless in these chains. Dante sheathed his sword back into the scabbard that rested by his waist. His cold expression turned soft when he glanced towards me.

This time it was a different one. It wasn't a flirtatious look or a cold hated glare. It wasn't an expressionless look but a soft saddened expression as he took in my form. This was an expression that I didn't expect or want to see. I didn't want his pity.

He waved his hand in the air and the chains had released me from my confinement. I had no energy to stand as my legs gave up. He caught me in his arms. His cold touch melted the fires that braced my skin. It was soothing me. He put his arms around me, lifting me so he could carry me. With light strides, with no words spoken to the other, we traversed back to my side of the castle.

No one questioned us as we stepped through the castle. The guards were silent and the servants only spied on us as we strode past. Once we made it past the barrier and into the hallway and inside his chambers. He paused his footsteps setting me down on the bed. Without a word, he then went into the next room.

The sound of water was loud enough for me to hear. Was he going to take a bath at this hour or was the water for me? It couldn't have been the latter. After a few minutes, he returned.

"Go cool your body in the water. It will help to relax you and remove the effects of the pill." He seemed different. Before the meeting, he was cautious, now he just seemed lost.

"Are you okay?" The question had caught him off guard as he stiffened when he came forward.

"Yeah... I will be..." I didn't want to pry anymore, for it was not my place. And ever so slowly I made my way to the next room and dipped my body into the water, washing away all of my sorrows and desires.