Looks like we have a runaway princess

Queen Athena glared at Baiyue. But the fan-wielding master did not care for the queen as she fanned herself walking straight past her.

Athena was a jealous caelestian but seeing her husband walk beside one of his old acquaintances, brought a rage that she hadn't felt since King William brought Serah to the kingdom 10 years ago.

Eduarda and Talberon spied on the interactions that had taken place near the pillars.

"It seems life in the palace is going to get interesting," Eduarda smirks as Athena strutted away.

"Or things might just get worse with the queen's temperament," Talberon lets out a sigh and turns to Eduarda.

"We should inform 'him' cause it looks like trouble is brewing and once the king develops feelings again for that little monster, it's bad news for us."

Eduarda smiles, "I doubt that," Talberon caught her gaze as she couldn't keep her eyes off of Dante as he walked passed the corridors of the castle.

Her purple eyes began to glow, "that boy is disguising himself, he's actually from Iracundia," she then slowly chanted in her dark witch tongue.

Dante stopped walking and slightly turned, his eyes turned golden as he felt her power hit him and with an invisible force, he broke through her mind tricks.

Eduarda lets out a painful gasp and held her right eye in pain as blood seeped from her eyes. "That little punk!" Talberon grabbed her wrist before she caused trouble for them.

"That's enough, let the boy be for now, if he causes any trouble, we are allowed to deal with him." He pulled her away as they went back to the council's room.

"Imbeciles," Dante scowled as he marched outside the compound.

"As if she could try to mess with me, what a weakling," he muttered.

'Why didn't you just kill her?' Dante's Darkside took the form of a little puff ball of darkness that rested on his shoulder.

Dante sighs and puts a spell on his shadow that clung to him. "Now why would I waste my time on that wretched thing,"

'Hmm, you have a point,' The little darklings eye twinkled.

'There's a delicious scent in the air,'

Dante glances at the little orb, "you're only this excited when you see-"

His darkness receded into him as a figure jumped down from a building the darkness flowed out of the caelestian and formed a barrier so they wouldn't get hurt beneath their feet.

He jogged ahead and looked up to see where the caelestian had fallen from.

'Wasn't that where Master Baiyue went to see the princess?'

Dante could only smirk, "looks like we have a runaway princess,"

'Then what are you waiting for? An invitation? Get your scrawny legs moving before I take over you and go after her!'

Dante had started running, "Oh shut up old man, another word from you about taking over and I'll chain you to your domain,"

'Old man? I have you know that I may be old but at least I'm not like those old terrae humans that have wrinkles and can't walk,'

"Just keep talking and you'll see what happens," he rolled his eyes as he jumped onto the trees jumping from one branch to the next to catch up to her.


"So I know I'm not bad with directions but your majesty, how could you not know where your own daughter's room is?" Baiyue snickers walking into the room.

They had come looking for the crown princess and of course, they were in the right room except the princess was missing. The king became furious. His anger summoned the palace guards immediately as he yelled at them to bring her back at once completely forgetting his facade in front of his acquaintance.

"Your majesty, you should fret not for your daughter. Xiao Lin's disciple will bring her back, rest assured," Baiyue stood by the window assessing it.

The king glared at her, "Fret not? My caelestians will bring her back. Leave that boy out of this, he doesn't know what he's getting himself into."

Baiyue continued to fan herself, "Your majesty, you called us here to help you, so either accept the help we're giving to you or we shall take our leave. Your daughter is important to you, so let us heal her unless you don't want us to see what's to become of her,"

Baiyue was quite intelligent, she already assessed the situation. She knew that the princess was not an ordinary little girl. She may even be like Dante. And from the destroyed room to the miasma that filled the air could only make her doubts come true.

"Has the princess shown any angelic prowess?"

"How did you know about her powers?" The king shuts the door.

Baiyue just gave him a blank look, "Seriously your majesty, has old age fogged up your memory, or has the crown gotten to you?"

"Enough with your patronizing jokes and get to the point," he leaned against the wall, closing his eyes to remove the miasma from the room.

"Did you forget that her mother was my best friend?"

Blades appeared in the fan, aimed at his throat. "A simple assassination such as this and you would have never seen it coming,"

King William gave her a blank look. "Put that useless blades away, your tactics won't fool me,"

"Oh do not be afraid of little ole me, I won't ever dare kill you," she slyly enunciates each word.

"I did not forget that you and 'her' were best friends,"

The blades had vanished from her fan as she looked out the window. Reminiscing about her best friend with long silver curly hair and bright crystal blue eyes. Of a woman that wore celestial robes and always appeared angelic.

"It's been 9 years since she's been gone. Time sure flies." Baiyue whispered.

The king frowns and sighs as he thought about the past. 'If only she had been here then maybe Serah wouldn't have hated me so much' he thought about the past.