
After breakfast and a quick bath, Sana dressed with the help of two servants. Despite the multiple layers being annoyingly restrictive, she had already gotten used to it, and she didn't want to disappoint her uncle.

A little while later she was on the way to the city library in the company of two guards. The people on the streets, recognizing the insignia on the guard's armor, politely greeted Sana. She simply smiled and nodded her head in their direction remembering her lessons. Despite her friendliness, nobody approached her since both guards had an intimidating air around them.

After only a short time they had already arrived in front of the library. It served as both archive of knowledge, vital for the survival of their city, and as a school for the normal families.

Most children had to attend this school from ages six to ten, after which specialized education followed. Most of the poorer children simply followed their parent's occupation, but some, those who showed great intelligence and competence, were allowed to continue their studies and become scholars. Sana and most children of the two great clans of Tekiel City were instead educated by other members of the clan and private tutors.

A better outcome any child wishes for is to pass the special test, which every child has to go through in their tenth year of life, allowing them to become Martial artists, though few ever have a good enough aptitude.

The best outcome, of course, is for the test to demonstrate a good enough elemental affinity to join the Cloudsea Sect. But the chance for that was sadly minuscule since only about one person in the entire City manages to be chosen every five years when the sect accepts new disciples.

The one person slated to join the sect this time just so happens to be the person currently dozing in a chair in front of Sana. He is her best, and really only, friend, Kenta.

Sana was quickly invited inside when the servant at the entrance recognized her. The two guards stayed back, standing at attention in front of the entrance. She found Kenta all the way at the back of the main hall in a reading corner beneath a window.

Unlike her own colorful hair, her friend's was black, typical for the surroundings. His clear, blue, almost crystalline, eyes on the other hand were unique to him in the entire city.

He was a year older than Sana and had been tested with all the other common children last year after finishing their studies. Like Sana, he didn't have many other friends at first because his eyes made him out to be an outsider, and so he was often picked on. His friendship with Sana almost completely put a stop to that, and his performance on the test ensured that most parents severely punished their children who bothered him in the past.

He sat in the chair with a book about legends of Immortals and Demons in his lap. It seemed he had fallen asleep reading.

Sana carefully picked up the open book, put it next to his ear, and loudly shut it. Kenta shot up, nearly falling from his chair, but quickly caught himself before landing on his face. His confusion was lifted when he heard a familiar laughter.

He wished to be annoyed at her, and he was a tiny bit, but he was secretly glad their relationship hadn't changed despite his sudden change in status last year.

"You can at least help me up," he grumbled at Sana while holding his hand up at her. Sana's laughter devolved into giggles, and she took his hand and pulled him up to his feet.

Even at such a young age, Kenta was significantly taller than Sana, not just because he was tall for his age, but because she had apparently inherited her mother's diminutive size. Despite her small stature, she was deceptively strong, he knew intimately, recalling some painful memories.

"So, why exactly are you here? I thought you would stay in the mansion today considering it's the day of the test." he said as he got seated again. He offered her another chair with a wave of his hand.

Sana grumpily sat down and pouted, "How am I supposed to just stay calm at home when my entire future depends on a test no one will even tell me about?" She slumped into the chair and crossed her arms. She glared at him, "Not like you have any problems considering you'll abandon me soon."

"Hey, it's not like I planned it or even have a choice. It just can't be helped," He ended with a sigh, which was echoed by Sana. "But," he continued, "I am excited just thinking about all the things I'll get to learn there!"

Sana simply rolled her eyes, not understanding how anyone could love simply sitting around all day and reading stuffy old books. Even if she will miss him, she was also incredibly happy for him. Also slightly jealous, though she had learned that showing unsightly feelings wasn't appropriate behavior, so she buried it inside herself.

"Also," Kenta said after a bit of silence, "whether you know of the test or not doesn't make a difference as the City Lord will explain it to you again and again before the test truly starts."

Kenta noticed that his encouragement didn't seem to work as intended and instead made her even more nervous. Worriedly he stood up, walked up to her and hugged her, "Don't worry. Seriously! You are going to do fine. Just believe in me. You know I'm the smartest guy in this city, so trust me." He pulled away, keeping his hands on her shoulders, looked into her amber colored eyes and smiled.

Sana started tearing up and suddenly hugged him back with all her strength. She was silently ashamed at her jealousy and swore to be his friend forever. Kenta simply hoped not to die of suffocation after having his breath squeezed out of him.