R And R

Duke: How could I have been so foolish?! (Duke asks in despair)

Trevor: Only God knows. (Trevor comments)

Duke: Why did I ask for a TV! (Duke yells with tears in his eyes)

Trevor: I should be asking you that question! (Trevor tells the sad Duke)

Amy: Why is Mr Duke so sad?... Does he not like my Mommy? (Amy asks sadly)

Eric North: No Amy, he's just frustrated that he didn't use his Favour better. (Eric explains)

Penelope North: Calm down, Duke! You'll wake up Amy's mother! (Penelope tells Duke, who was still acting irrationally)

Duke: I could have brought my girlfriend! Instead I got a TV! (Duke yells as he throws himself at Trevor in despair)

Trevor: Let go of me man! What's done is done! (Trevor yells in annoyance)

Eric North: Think about it, Duke. Do you really want your girlfriend here?... We are playing a deadly game with monsters and aliens, I would never want a loved one to be involved in something like that. (Eric explains)

Duke: I guess you're right... Geez, I really overreacted didn't I ? (Duke says as he wipes his tears away)

Trevor: Just a lot! (Trevor says as he pushes him away)

Duke: Sorry for losing my cool guys. It'll never happen again. (Duke promises)

Trevor: Deal.... Now let's get some popcorn from the food creator, and then watch some TV... I wonder if we really have a million channels. (Trevor says as him and Duke leave to check out the TV that was given to them by Null)

Penelope North: Why don't you go join them, Amy. Tell them to put a kid's show for you. (Penelope tells Amy)

Amy: Okay! (Amy says as she happily leaves to join Duke and Trevor)

Eric North: She seemed really tired. I wonder what Null did to bring her back. (Eric says about Amy's mother)

Penelope North: He must really have the power to save our planet. But we will have to win his game first.

Eric North: What about us? (Eric asks sadly)

Penelope North: There is no us. Not anymore. (Penelope replies)

Eric North: Can you tell me what I did wrong at least? (Eric asks)

Penelope North: You did nothing wrong. I....

Null The Lost god: Hello Humans! How are you all doing today?! (Null asks after he appears above them)

Eric North: It's you again, what do you want Null? (Eric asks sternly)

Null The Lost god: Such hostility! One might actually think you hated me. (Null says playfully)

Penelope North: We don't particularly like you very much.

Null The Lost god: That's hard to hear. (Null says as he wipes a tear from his face)

Note: He's not actually sad, he's just a maniac.

Duke: Why are you here! It's only been a day? (Duke asks)

Trevor: Do you really expect us to participate in another game? We've barely recovered from the last one. (Trevor says angrily)

Null The Lost god: No games, at least not yet anyways. (Null explains)

Amy's Mother: It's you... Thank you for saving me. (Amy's mother says with a bow)

Trevor: Don't thank this guy, Monica. If this was a movie, he would be the villain of the story. (Trevor tells Amy's mother)

Null The Lost god: Since you're all being so hurtful, I'll just say what I have to say and leave.... The next game will begin in three days, so rest, relax, and have as much fun as you can, because in three days, the real fun will begin. (Null explains with a sinister smile)

Eric North: Can't wait. (Eric says unenthusiastically)

Null The Lost god: Be prepared! (Null says before he disappears)

Duke: Don't trust him Monica, he's bad news. (Duke tells her)

Monica: How so? (Monica asks)

Eric and the others explain everything Monica, telling her about the destruction of earth, and how playing Null's game can save it.

Monica: Oh, I understand everything now.... Thank you all for looking after my daughter, I'm honoured to be working with you. (Monica tells them with a kind smile)

Duke: I'm glad to be working with you too. (Duke says flirtatiously)

Trevor: Behave yourself man. (Trevor warns)

Eric North: Sorry to ask, but do you remember anything before coming here? (Eric asks)

Monica: Well, I remember dying.... And after that everything went black. But then I woke up here, and saw my daughter again. So I'm happy, no matter how bad the situation is. (Monica explains sadly)

Eric North: Well don't worry about it then, we'll find a way to win this game, and save our planet! (Eric says confidently)

Duke: I hope so. (Duke says hopefully)

Penelope North: Come on guys, let's all watch some TV. So that it doesn't go to waste.

Duke: (Chuckles)... Maybe this Favour wasn't so bad after all. (Duke thinks before he joins the others to watch TV)

The TV had a lot of channels, It could probably be a million if they took the time to count them all. They were shows on the TV that were from earth, and they were shows they were from other planets. Strangely they were able to understand the alien shows, with all their words sounding like English in their ears. Though they knew it was impossible for all aliens to speak English, they loved learning about alien civilizations and cultures. For it was something truly remarkable.

In three days Null came like he said he would, but this time the team felt like they were ready for him. Having spent their time learning about creatures from other worlds, they knew that it would be easier to survive in Null's Land Of Monsters.

Null The Lost god: Wow you all look so tired, are you sure you're ready for the next round? (Null asks with a smile)

Eric North: We're as ready as we'll ever be. (Eric answers confidently)

Null The Lost god: Good. (Null says as he snaps his fingers)

Next: Precarious Mountain