The Strength Of A Captain

With a wave of his hand the earth rises, creating an arena for the pets to fight on. Null then snapped his fingers, teleporting Captain and the Orthaon Tiger, making them appear on the stone arena.

Eric North: I have a feeling that his power is lot more than just Greed. (Eric thought after witnessing Null's display of power)

Null The Lost god: This is gonna be fun... Let's begin! (Null announced at the top of his booming voice)

Penelope North: This is gonna be cruel. (Penelope said in worry)

The pets seem to understand Null's words and begin their fight, by first growling at each other, baring their teeth.

Duke: You can do it, Captain! I believe in you! (Duke yelled In encouragement).... That dog is so dead. (Duke whispered to Trevor)

Trevor: Have a little faith, Duke. Cause if that dog dies, we might be next. (Trevor reminds him)

Duke: That's what I'm worried about. (Duke replied)

Eric North: Maybe we should have gotten a tiger afterall. But I doubt that would change this situation. That Orthoan Tiger is so monstrous. (Eric said in worry)

The Orthoan Tiger attacks first by leaping forward, attempting to pounce of the small body of Captain. But Captain is light on his paws and evades, avoiding the pounce from the massive Tiger.

Captain then ran towards the Tiger and bit into his hind leg. But the bite from Captain barely even hurts the Tiger, and he gets Captain off by kicking him away.

Duke: Ow! That looks like it hurt. (Duke said after watching Captain's body slam against the ground)

Captain is pretty resilant and struggles to his feet, snarling at the Tiger in the process. The Orthoan's watch the fight carefully, noticing the hesitance of their pet.

Zem (Orthoan Male): Why isn't out pet ripping the other to shreds? That's what it would normally do in the wild. (Zem spoke in anger)

Brax (Orthoan Male): You should also remember that in the wild the Tiger's are hunted by the Karnaciels, a beast bearing a resemblance to the Earthian's pet. No wonder ours is so cautious. (Brax explained)

Nott (Orthoan Male): Oh please, that beast is in no way a Karnaciel. It's too small. (Nott replied)

Knox (Orthoan Male): True, but it's instinct is to be afraid I'd it's natural predator. Let's just hope that this stupid fear doesn't make us lose.

Lai (Orthoan Leader): Don't worry, we won't. (Lai said confidently)

The Tiger attacks again, this time much more ferociously, swiping at Captain with it's powerful claws. But Captain is quick enough to dodge all of it's attacks, but doesn't do so unscathed.

Monica Armstrong: Do you think Captain's gonna be okay? (Monica asked in worry)

Penelope North: I don't know, but I hope so. (Penelope answered, hoping that's Captain really does pull through)

The Orthoan Tiger finally seems to have realised that Captain was not a real threat to him, so it leaped forward, with it's claws outstretched to rip Captain to shreds. Captain runs forward to avoid the attack, running underneath the large Tiger and reaching his behind before he landed on the ground.

Captain then turns around and attacks the Tiger from behind, by biting into his crown jewels. The Tiger has been unaffected be Captain's bites so far, but not from a bite to the nuts.

The Tiger howled in pain, kicking and turning to get Captain off him. But Captain's bite is strong, and all the kicking and screaming just forces him to bite down even harder.

Duke: Yeah! That's my boy, Captain! You bite down hard! (Duke yelled in excitement)

Trevor: Don't let go, Captain! You can win! (Trevor yelled in encouragement)

Eric North: Win Captain! Win! (Eric yelled, seeing that this was a chance for them to win this thing)

Seeing the boys excited over this scene puts smiles on the faces of the girls, and they too support their pet.

Penelope North: Come on, let's join in.... Fight Captain! Fight! (Penelope yelled)

Monica Armstrong: Show that Tiger whose boss! (Monica yelled excitedly)

The Orthoans seeing this scene are enraged, watching the embarrassing display by their pet.

Brax (Orthoan Male): That beast is embarrassing us! Did Null get us a stupid runt! (Brax asked in anger)

The expression on Lai's face is one of anger, obviously enraged by the display from one of the fiercest predators on their planet.

Lai (Orthoan Leader) I'll kill you myself if you lose! (Lai finally yelled in anger)

Blem (Tallian Leader): Is this the best that Planet Orthoan has to offer? (Chuckles) Pathetic! (Blem tells his team with a smile)

Null The Lost god: That dog. Is going to be an excellent companion. (Null thought with a smile)

Captain eventually let's go of the Tiger's jewels, letting it's massive body fall to the ground in pain. The Tiger got up quickly, turning to see the snarling face of Captain, with blood dripping down the side of his mouth.

Captain then begins to bark at the Tiger, coming closer to it in the process. Out of fear the Orthoan Tiger bolted and jumps out of the arena, escaping from the still barking Captain.

Null The Lost god: (Chuckles) And the winner is!... The police dog! (Null annouced at the top of his voice)

Eric North: Hell Yeah! (Eric yells out in joy, and his teammates join him to celebrate their surprising victory)

Next: Bad Omen.