Lisa is surprised and confused as she asks Arturo which survivors and of what while Romalino walks around looking at the place and Marlecio crosses his arms as he looks at Lisa and then at Arturo.

Arturo proceeds to look at the ground sadly while the survivors do the same, Arturo was getting ready to talk but a girl enters quickly and interrupts them.

Girl entering the shelter as she takes off her weapon and pulls out some papers: what happens here is that the great sorceress Merlin betrayed Arthur and destroyed the kingdom while she was looking for him, Arthur managed to hide outside the kingdom while Merlin was looking for him.

Marlecio confused and interrupting her: Wait a minute, wasn't Merlin supposed to be a man?

Lisa looking at Marlecio: They are legends.

Marlecio looking at Lisa: it's not a legend, it's a mythology, the Arthurian mythology is called that way if I remember correctly, and I also remember that Merlin saw Arthur as the chosen one, but it doesn't make sense the betrayal.

Jin sitting at a table: and you're not wrong it was like that.

Romalino walking towards them: in the nordic mythology Thor is seen as a blond with long hair and in reality he does have hair but he has red hair with black parts, the same can happen with the Arthurian one.

Arthur closing and opening his eyes while he stops looking at the floor: the first thing is that I am neither mythology nor legend, I am real, do you understand? I'm not an invention, secondly I don't want to keep talking about merlin *drops tears* Jin tell me how was the investigation?

Jin opening a map on the table: terrible my soldiers fell again only my companions survived but he didn't make it.

Arturo biting his lips sad and upset: Shit it can't be, his suit was too powerful to destroy the demons.

Lisa thinking worried: Then what will they do? They can't keep on tormenting them

Marlecio sighing: It's the same as always, war death desperation that surprises them?

Lisa looking at Marlecio sadly: I hate to admit it, but you're right and I hate it because it's painful just thinking about it.

Arturo looking at them surprised: Haven't you lost something very valuable when you died?

Marlecio and Lisa close their eyes while touching their necklace with sadness and answer saying something like that.

Jin looking at them: incredible both of them did practically the same thing, it's as if they were almost soul mates.

Marlecio and Lisa blush and at the same time they say that it's not like that and they feel ashamed.

Jin looking: they both would make a nice couple

Romalino crossing his arms: That's right, if they want, I'll do the wedding for them.

At that moment Lisa blushes a lot and tells them to stop and sees that Marlecio doesn't even flinch and decides not to say anything.

Arturo is looking at the window and bites his lip while he looks at his companions.

Lisa grabs a bandage and is surprised and yells at Arturo that the hell she was part of the bandage.

Arturo tells her that it was part of his identity that he used to hide his identity as a monarch.

Lisa gets upset and leaves while Marlecio accompanies her to talk to her.

Romalino grabs Arturo and asks him why he lied while Jin quickly grabs a sword and points it at Romalino.

Jin pointing at Romalino: for God's sake calm down, don't you understand the situation?

Arturo lets go and calls his sword excalibur and grabs it and looks at the window.

Arturo tells Romalino that he should hide his identity so that no one knows about him and he can't find him.

Romalino, confused, drops his axe and asks him which one he is.

Arthur points out the window and tells him ¨Merlin¨.

Jin uses a magical ability and transports all the citizens to a safe place.

Arthur looks at Jin and thanks him while he tells him that it is time to wear his combat suit and to leave his cloak behind.

Jin puts his sword on the table and goes to change.

Romalino turns on his axe and asks Arturo what he has to do

Arthur puts on his King's cloak and tells him that he will need air support

Romalino starts to float and tells him he will do it

Romalino flies out of the room and goes to the skies and prepares to fight.

Jin returns with his costume while putting away his sword and asks him what will happen with Romeo and Juliet.

Arturo thinks and answers that Lisa is very strong and will be able to fight anything by herself.

Jin looks at him and tells him that he may be right, although he is attracted by the boy Marlecio.

Arturo stands at the window and tells him that after this he can talk to him.

Jin uses his bracelet and shoots a hook at one of the buildings and tells him that he will do it.

While in one of the places of Camelot

Lisa walking angry: can you believe that? I trust him, I thought he was blind just like me, I feel that he is making fun of my blindness.

Marlecio was walking next to her and tells her that she being military should understand what it is to be a fugitive or to run away from something.

Lisa stops and starts to think about it, telling him that maybe he is right.

Marlecio smiles and tells her that his little sister once said that to him.

Lisa is surprised as she looks at him and says asking him do you have a brother?