A new life (Rewritten)

(AN: Try slow reading while listening to One Piece OST "Mother Sea")

South Blue, Baterilla.

Near the outskirt of Baterilla's largest port town stood a cozy-looking, small house. A place that was once known as a warm home for a family of 3 but was later reduced to be a pit of bittersweet sadness and lamentation.

Inside, Portgas D. Rouge was weakly lying in her bed, mustering whatever strength remained in her body, to hold her two babies.

Gently and with care like only a mother could muster, she cradled the newborn twins, touched their little hands, listened to their first cries and felt their warmth and healthy heart beats.

Right to her side were three more people who glanced at the twins and Rouge. An old married couple, well over 60 years of age, holding each other amidst stifled wails and tears. Third and last was a huge, middle-aged man, wearing a navy coat and a pristine evening suit.

"If it's a girl… Anne. And if it's a boy… Ace. Those names… he picked them." Rouge spoke softly, while tears found ways to fill her eyes.

"So, his name shall be Gol D. Ace," she said, slowly kissing the crying baby on the head before looking at his twin. The twin no longer cried, nor did he waive his small hands around like before. Instead, he seemed to be fighting to keep his heavy eyelids open.

"Oh, my boy... my poor little boy. Your foolish parents didn't expect a second son and missed the chance to choose a name for you together." She said before the first tear started rolling down her cheek.

The elderly couple, Rouge's parents, remained wordless and listened. Their daughter, who looked at her sons with so much love and warmth, was like a candle, burning bright one last time before going out, never to be lit again. Emotions tied their throats like a hard rope, while grief and bitterness pressed on their chests with a force that felt like tons.

Breathing felt hard and painful to them, not to mention speaking right now. Both elders knew that if they tried, they would break down in wails again, just like Ace did.

"Therefor… I shall name you Gol D. Jackson. I hope you will always be able to bring lots of friends wherever you want."

Rouge then gently kissed the calm twin on his head, just as she had done with Ace. She carefully brought both twins closer to her face, cuddling them at the same time while there was still a bit of time left. She could sense how little remained. Jackson, who had stopped crying shortly after birth, started to cry again as if able to hear her inner thoughts.

"Our sons… our little boys… Ace, Jackson. We… we both love you so much. Your father and I. Thank you for surviving so long. Thank you for being born healthy. Thank you for these blissful few minutes…"

Her tears began to stream down, more so than Ace's. Bittersweet, filled with memories and moments of her children, which she no longer will share with them. In the end she passed in tears while holding both her sons close to her heart.


A loud, heart wrenching scream resounded through the room, followed by cries of Jackson and Ace. Her parents just lost their most beloved daughter and cried like they didn't want to see tomorrow. Unlike Rouge's their tears weren't bittersweet or filled with complex emotions, they were of unspeakable sadness like only a grief-stricken parent could feel.

Their daughter, in her last day of life, had given birth to 2 sons, after a miraculous 20-months long pregnancy, on the 1st of January in 1502, exactly 15 months after pirate king Gol D. Roger's execution. This day shall later represent the beginning of the end of the world as everybody knew it till then.


This is how my new life as Portgas D. Jackson, later Gol D. Jackson, began.

I was once just a college student studying biochemistry before I was reincarnated into the world of One Piece. Why was I reincarnated? Funny story, really!

During my final year, I and some other students and professors were kidnapped by a delusional terrorist group. My personal guess as to why this happened is that having watched to many action series, they got the idea of becoming bio terrorists, but not having any knowledge about biology or chemistry they decided to kidnap some people who should know what they needed to know. So, Terorristy did the first thing they could think of, namely taking over the biochemistry institute of a renowned and famous college and kidnapping some people they found working there. ‚Didn't anybody call the police? How could you get kidnapped from there so easily?' Hell, if I know! We were brought to an old factory, where they told us to create a deadly, unbeatable and incurable virus that could spread extremely fast and in many ways. Problem was just that they didn't prepare a laboratory, equipment or any kind of recourses and after I mentioned that tini tiny little detail, they also realized that their plan was most likely already set for failure.

So, what does one do in such a situation? Of course, shoot everybody since they saw where your base is of course! Funny point no. 1 is that we didn't know where we were. Just that it's a factory somewhere on the northern globe.

Funny point no. 2 is that their plan would have worked if I hadn't said anything… or so I was told afterwards by the being made from light. Yeah, your read that correctly. According to him our prof, the unpopular forever single prof, felt so frightened that he somehow would have created such a virus. So, you could say I technically saved over a billion people by ‚sacrificing' myself and my friends or so I was told by mentioned being. (Pft XD)

Touched by my ‚selfless' course of action 'it' decided to give me a second life in a world of my choice, even going as far as to give me a cheat. Sadly, the cheat was randomly chosen. Luckily, I got an amazing cheat. Choosing a character, I would slowly synchronize with him/her, and gain said characters powers and skills over time. But!!! There is always a but. The character will also be chosen randomly and according to 'it' the chosen character could be whoever was ever shown, so for an example I could get Son Goku or Saitama BUT!!! I could also get a civilian. As if that wasn't enough the cheat AND my memories will only be unlocked after my 5th birthday. FURTHERMORE, the duration of the synchronization depends on the chosen character's strength, so the stronger the character the slower the synchronization. ON TOP OF THAT!!! Part of my memories will be deleted! I can keep memories of everything One Piece related but no names or faces and other such details of people from my first life.

The world I chose is, you might have guessed it, One Piece since I am a diehard fan. I even got to be born as Roger's son! As long as no illness gets my lungs, I'm more than happy with this despite all possible 'complications'. Long story short:

Today is my and my brother's 5th birthday, my memory returned my cheat activated and the character that was chosen is fricking GOAT Gol D. Roger… my father in this world!

(AN: Not much different from before, right? I don't plan on completely writing it anew, just mostly focusing on language improvements (pls keep correcting me when you see a mistake), and some interactions and development points of the plot.)