A bet between brothers and timeskip

Mt. Colubo, on Dawn Island

The next morning

„You want to do that again? Did you hit your head to hard yesterday?"

Damn Ace I just finished breakfast so why go and sour my mood already? Do you not like it that I, as the taller alpha twin, don't beat you every day? Well we are probably around the same level when it comes to fighting but still!

„First: Yes I want to train again.

Second:No i did not hit my head to hard yesterday.

Third: I need your help in case something serious happens so are you going to help me or not?"

„I don't know, honestly I think it would be better if we tried to hunt some pray so we can have meat for Dinner."

„Come on, you can hunt whatever animal tries to eat me while I am running around."

„Still this feels like a waste of time! Can't you do something else?"

If I could I wouldn't be doing this shit! Is it because we are brothers that you know how to irritate me?! No calm down he can't probably know about this. Yeah to him this does look extremely stupid… Heck even to me this looks stupid but since I know of the gains I am more than on with it. I have to convince him or this could get dangerous.

„Ok Ace how about this: Until our sixth birthday you help me with my training in the morning and I'll do you a favor for the rest of the day."

„That's a whole year! Also why would I need a favor from you? Most things I can do alone and if I can't you'll be there to help me anyway."

Hate it but he is not wrong. Fine then let's try guilttripping

„Right but why won't you help me then? Just so you know I will do this training regardless but it's safer with you around!"

„I'm telling you this is stupid and you aren't gaining anything but cuts and bruises!"

„you are wrong! Let's make a bet! I will do this training every day till our 6th birthday regardless of wether you help me or not but we can make a bet now."

„A bet?! What should we bet? What are we even betting on?"

„Let's have a fight on our next birthday >:), and if I win you will admit that you were wrong all along and tell everyone that I am a hundred times smarter than you!"

Huh? Was I always this childish?

„Huh?! Why would I agree on that! Besides I'd still have to help you in your training every day regardless!"

„Then choose something you want me to do IF you win >:)"

„Fine, if I win you will stop with this stupid training that hurts you…"

Wut? Didn't expect this. Is he worried about me? Maybe I shouldn't be so hard to him and…

„Also you will have to wear a sign stating that you are a stupid retard and you will have to tell everybody you meet that Ace is your smart and respectable elder brother for the rest of your life!"

…Im gonna kill him!!! *Breaths* no keep it together he is five. Also me losing against him on our next birthday is impossible, no it's the definition of impossible, if you looked up impossible in a dictionary you would read about the above mentioned scenario.

„Fine I agree!" >:)

This will be you grave BROTHER

6 months later

Running through the forest became easier with every passing week. Compared to the first month I am moving at light speed (eat my dust Kizaru). Instead of half a day I can finish my training in under an hour, around 55mins to be precise. Considering that it's just 10km, 55 minutes might not sound impressive but to me it was a great time and an even greater improvement. Especially since I neither hit as many trees nor fell as often as I did in the beginning. The amount of cuts and bruises I would suffer daily decreased so much that some old ones even started to heal which is great since my scars won't increase anymore… probably.


A dull sound echoed from my side. A sound I am familiar with. From time to time some small animals like stray wild dogs would try to get a bite from my bacon but thankfully Ace would beat them up with a pipe he took from the house, every time they came to close to me. I am actually quite thankful to my brother for the past few months. He was a great helper who even saved my life on a few occasions. Without him things could have become really problematic for me.

But sadly this doesn't mean that there weren't any problems during the last few months whatsoever. 2 months ago for example I almost broke my leg when I fell down a steep and rocky hill, but thankfully I survived and only some bones were merely sprained. Ace would have warned me but he was distracting a young boar whose home we accidentally trespassed which caused it to chase me. Well I still had to complete the quest even after that so I played the injuries down as much as I could and got medical help in a near town to the east of the mountain, with the money I secretly took. That's theft? Wow I didn't know that, now I wonder how the mountain bandits earn their money and food.

„Careful deep pit ahead!"

Shouted Ace. Good thing I convinced him to help me train, like seriously a good thing.

[quest: run 10km blindfolded(incomplete: 182/365)]

After checking my progress and confirming that I finished todays 10km I stoped and took off the blindfold.

We returned to the house where I applied some medical herbs on the old cuts and bruises. Ace and I collected them according to Magras and Dogras instructions and I feel that they hastened my regeneration a bit.

„Hey, do you want to go to a town today?"

„A town? Any idea which one?"

„Does that matter? Come on Jackson we could try and sell some of the dogs' hides we killed the last month and buy something with that money."

Honestly I don't mind tagging along and if we manage to get a good prize we might be able to buy something good. „

Sure I'll go with you."

Sadly we didn't know yet how unpleasant this trip would turn out to be.