My 6th birthday! My cheat’s present is a new quest?! Grandpa! What are you doing?!

The next morning

„Hey, wake up! How long do you plan to sleep on our Birthday?! The others will finish our special birthday breakfast before we get to even try it!"

Ughhh, what is it now? Breakfast? I swear if it weren't for breakfast's sake I'd have punched whoever dares to wake me up this early right in the face. Opening my eyes I see a familiar blackhaired kid leaning over my face. Ah it's Ace! But what's with this strange sense of dejavu? *Sight* whatever I want to eat have breakfast first before I start thinking about anything. I get up, brush my teeth since oral hygiene is important even for the son of the pirateking and change my clothes. Then I turn around and prepare to leave, when I noticed Ace, looking at me as if I was an alien?

Now that When taking a good look at him he seems a bit different today. He seems somehow… I don't know… hmm…smaller? SMALLER?! Right I remembered what happened last night regarding my quest, and the rest after that! That's why I felt something was off, Ace is two heads smaller than me now! Ugh but what do I say? Should I just ignore it? Play it cool?

„EHHH? Jackson? What the Fuck happened with you?"

Great now a third person, namely Dadan, barged in and woke Ace up from his daze. Ok let's just play it cool like it's normal or something.

„What do you mean what happened? I feel just like always so let's go and eat breakfast!"

Like this I fled the place. Until Ace came running out screaming at me that is.

„Asshole how did you do it?! Just give me one head's worth of height you stingy devil! Come on aren't we twins, then how can you be so much taller than me?!"

And so on and on -.-

After breakfast and after I shut Ace up with a first of brotherly love, grandpa arrived. Surprisingly he didn't say anything about my heigh, he just deeply stared at me for a while. Maybe he could feel how much stronger I became with haki? I can't say because after he was done staring he just acted like always and gave us marine themed shoes as our present.

Honestly I am thankful for that, otherwise I would have been caught between a rock and a hard place since I don't want to lie to him but also can't tell him that I'm absorbing my fathers powers. Anyways he didn't ask anything so let's not check him out with my new sensing ability. Originally I wanted to try and sense him with it but he couldn't come visit for the last 3 months.

We kept celebrating our birthdays and even had a barbecue in the evening. While everyone was laughing and enjoying food and drinks I checked upon my cheat to see wether I have a new quests

[chosen character: Gol D. Roger]

[synchronization rate: 10%]

[synchronization speed: 5% every year]

[speed boost quest: swim 50km while diving, every day for 365 days for additional 5%]

It seems like starting from to tomorrow I will be training my swimming skills… to be honest I sucked at swimming in my past life and totally forgot about it. I don't think that I'll have to be diving 50km at once since I need to breath like every other human. Although it could be possible. Maybe not now but didn't Jack survive for days while waiting for help after being sunk?

Maybe just like during the 1st quest there is something I could lern from this quest as well?

„Jackson can you come with me for a bit?"

I was suddenly awoken from my thoughts by grandpa. Did he need something? Well I let's go and find out.

„Sure I can, I'll be right behind you."

After we moved a bit from the group and walked in the forest grandpa suddenly vanished from my sight! At the same time I felt him appear behind me swinging his fist at my head. Danger! Or not? I could feel that this would do close to no damage at all to the current me. If it was the me before my powerup than his attck would have done more than hurt but now? I could even easily dodge his fist but then why couldn't I perceive his movement a moment ago. I easily dodge his slow fist. Since he was adjusting speed and strength to the me, 3 months ago this was nothing special at all. For me at least, grandpa looked extremely surprised.

„What the hell are you doing grandpa?!"

He didn't answer. Stay calm and think. You know him, he wouldn't put you in danger. That just now was most probably a test. But why? If he sensed my current strength then his attack probably wouldn't be so low. But what did he sense? What is different since the last time we met?

„Unbelievable. You really unlocked your observation haki. How in the world did you manage to do that?"


So it really was observation haki, I knew it! Nonetheless good to have an expert confirm it

„Ace and Dadan told me that you did some stupid or reckless training. Did you perhaps feel something strange at some point during your training?"

Ok time to answer him already! Putting on a serious expression I told him about when I awakened my observation haki.

„Around a month ago something strange happened. For the last year I would run through the forest while blindfolded to strengthen my stamina, senses and resistance but since last moth I begun to know where trees, roots and even animals around me are. My blindfold became almost useless and from then on I only used it to help me concentrate on that strange sensing ability."

„That's just outrageous… awakening and learning observation haki before being six years old all by yourself and in less than one year to boot, is it because you are his son?"

„Grandpa it's your turn to explain yourself now!"

„Right… Jackson listen , what you call a sensing ability is in fact one of the two types of haki."

Two? Not three? Nevermind I should just listen to him for now.

„Haki is a mysterious power and the observation type helps you sense everything in your surroundings even things that one can't see with just the eye. That's why I was shocked when I arrived today. I could sense that the haki in you became active! Your presence changed and it became obvious to me that at least one of the types awakened."

„Then the attack just now…"

„It was a test to see which type awakened. Sry but I couldn't just ask you who wouldn't know anything about haki."

Right, I'm not supposed to know about haki but this could turn into an opportunity for later! If I can make him explain it to me now it wouldn't be too strange when I unlock and learn armament haki 'by myself' in the future :P

„Say grandpa what is the other type of haki?"

„The other type? Hmm…"

Hey why are you suddenly looking down as if contemplating something?

„…Sorry but I can't tell you. I actually am not allowed to talk, much less explain about haki to outsiders. Just now I made an exception since you learned it on your own but if you want me to explain the rest to you you would have to become a marine!"

WTF, since when did you care about such rules? Isn't it just explaining?! I'm not asking you to teach me! Calm, calm, calm… gotta stay calm, even if he doesn't explain it, it won't affect me strongly. Guess he wanted to lure me into becoming a navy soldier judging by his smug expression but I…

„Don't want to!"
