When monsters fight, the ground will break and the sky shall split!

(AN: a Little tip Play one piece ost overtaken 1999 at the beginning)

Midway Forest, Dawn Island

Walking through the forest I made my way to the clearing where Shanks and some of his crewmates are currently waiting for me. Sabo and Ace led them to the clearing while I went to Dadan's hideout to get my sword, a cutlass I saw on a crook from grey terminal. It's length seemed fitting for my current height so I took it from him.

Feeling my heart thumping strongly to the rhythm of my steps was a new experience for me even when taking my first life into the equation. This wasn't nervousness or excitement, it was just there and it was new.

Soon the clearing appeared in my sight which caused me to stop for a moment. Taking in a deep breath I confirmed that I have no doubts about this. I will fight Shanks and I will not lose. Even if I can't beat him, I will not get beaten either!

Holding the sword tightly in my left hand, clenching my right hand into a fist and holding my head high, with a burning gaze in my eyes I continue walking forward. Step after step until I stepped into the clearing.

The first person or rather persons to enter my sight were Ace and Sabo. Standing straight, with crossed arms and determined looks, they stared at the Redhair Pirates in front of us. Both of them looked at me from the side as soon as they felt my arrival and gave me a light nod. The meaning behind it was obvious to me.

*Sight* I originally wanted them to retreat since they might not be able to withstand the aftereffects of our fight, but if they have already decided that they will stay and watch I'll believe in them.

Continuing to walk forward and stepping past these two, Shanks was the next one to enter my sight. Him standing in front of me with that grin on his face inevitably caused a grin to creep up on my face as well.

It didn't need to be said out loud since everyone could feel it.

It was time for our duel to begin!


In an instant both of us appeared in front of each other, swords drawn and pitch black from the haki coating. Shanks was swinging his sword from an overhead stance with both hands, while I was holding my sword in my right and swinging diagonally upwards.

"Crimson Descending!"

"Divine Departure!"




The moment our swords met, a terrifying shockwave spread in all directions. The earth cracked and blown to bits and pieces, the trees in the forest were uprooted and sent flying whole and wind was blowing in my face as if it was trying to rip it off. Shanks face was just a few inches centimeters away from mine as we both tried to push the other away. Unfortunately he had a slight advantage since he swung his sword from above but that also allows me to rely more on my leg strength then he currently does.

In the end we both were pushed back but he was already rushing at me. He is already so strong and will grow a lot stronger during his fight for the title of an emperor but I am not to be trifled with either for I am the man who shall stand on top of all who set sail and went to the sea.

From above! To my right! From the front! Even when I defend against these attacks, the residual energy behind them still manage to get past me and cut dozens of trees. Defending his attacks, searching for a chance to counter… Now! Deflecting, instead of defending his last attack gave me the time to slash at his head and even to draw a little blood! He managed to tilt his head enough to evade the damage but still got grazed on the cheek.

The dozens of trees at least 50 meters behind him got cleanly cut in half without any form of resistance!

'Oh Noo!'

My observation haki is ringing bells in my head! Shanks used the momentum from his dodge earlier to start a counterattack. I managed to evade but am now in a position in which I have to block his next attack head on and oh boy he didn't hold back!


Another extremely strong shockwave spread in all directions after we clashed. Being in a disadvantageous position I try to create some distance between us but how can I be let off so easily. Disappearing from one place and appearing in another Shanks and I cause widescale destruction throughout the forest! When ever we take a strong step the ground beneath our feet breaks, whenever we clash the wind around us cries and whenever we slash at each other the sky splits!

During the first 3 hours none of us managed to gain an advantage that might end the duel but even if this isn't a duel to the death we both don't want to let it end with a draw.

'Seems like I will have to bet on luck for this one!'

Deciding to bet on luck this one time, an idea starts to form in my head. Frontally clashing with Shanks again, we both were pushed back once more and again it is him who rushes up to me but that's what I want! Taking my sword in my right hand I position myself in a sideways stance to receive his attack head on and it seems like he accepted my unspoken challenge. My left foot being the leading foot in the front I grap my sword with both handsnow, firmly plant my feet on the ground as if I was an unmovable mountain, turn my torso slightly sideways, to my right to be precise and pray that this works… No. I stop praying. There is no sense in praying to myself in the first place. Instead I will do what I wanted to pray for on my own!

Shanks appeared before me just in time, when red lightning started to gather on my sword. Finally I can see something like shock on his face, just like when I called out my first moves name.

"Crimson Trial!!"

He swings his sword from his right with both hands just like me. But unlike me, he didn't coat his sword with conqueror's haki unlike me! Again our swords clashed but this time they didn't touch! Again the ground broke but this time it was pulverized! Again a shockwave spread but this time the wind fled! Again the sky split but this time it actually looked like it shattered. Red and black lighningbolts danced around me and Shanks as his conqueror's haki shot out, as if provoked by mine but it did not coat his weapon! His shirt's sleeve tore and blood splurted from his arms before he was sent flying like a bullet across the forest!

My current physical power and my haki may not be as great as my father's, not yet at least, but the specific techniques that an increase of synchronization rate teaches me are 100% complete.

Yet, the coating with conqueror's haki, I figured out on my own. Before the fight, it had a success rate of 1 out of twenty and with no one as strong as me to push me, I couldn't effectively train it. Grandpa is a lot stronger and always holds back, so he to was a no. But now! I can use his stay on the island to improve my technique on my own!

'The Next year will be really fun >:D'

(AN: College starting so fewer chaps during the workdays. As always thx for reading and pls leave a feedback! Might be a little early with just 11 chaps out but I would be happy if you could leave a few stars and officially rate this ff. Will try to massrelease next weekend)