A great sword is a great sword

(AN: Hey everyone! Wanted to tell you that I did a little experiment on this chapter. By following a writing guideline I tried to write this chapter as a 'slowpace progressing' chapter. Idea behind this is to slow the pace at which the story progresses in preparation for a following drama. Never done this before and wanted to ask wether you could notice the pace of the progression becoming slower or just found it boring. If you didn't notice any change that's fine too I'll just practice it a bit in my free time. As always hope you enjoy the chapter. Bye 👋)

3 weeks have passed since we departed from the small uninhabited island. We are currently sailing towards the Shimotsuki Village, which is on that mentioned island or rather we would have been sailing towards the Shimotsuki Village but sadly the village doesn't have its own shore.

So after reaching it we are now left with no other choice but to sail around the island to find a place where we can go on land.

"Jackson-nii, you still haven't told me why you wanted to come here. Do you know this place somehow?"

"'knowing' would be stretching it a little. I just looked at it a bit longer when we scanned the map for potential destinations and felt like coming here to take a look."

"Ehh? So we came here for no particular reason? Like none at all?"

Of course that was a load of bullshi… I mean only half the truth, but if I told him something like I knew stuff from a second life and that this world was just a manga then he might suspect me having serious brain damage. Lying was an option too, but if possible it should be avoided since it might do more harm than good later on.

Technically I didn't lie, my gaze stayed on this Island longer when I saw the marked village's name on it and I really felt like coming here after that.

"Sabo look. There is a bay up ahead. We can go and land from there."

"Aye Aye!"

Sailing into the bay and reaching the beach, we got off the boat and pulled it on land to prevent it from being swept away by the waves.

Carrying the boat was no problem but since no one wanted to stay behind to guard it from possible thieves, we had to take the money, maps, compass and whatever we deemed important or valuable with us.

While walking further into the island a small house appeared in our sights. Approaching it we noticed that it was extremely run down with many holes and cracks in the walls.

'Is it an abandoned house? Maybe the previous owner died and no one took any care of it?'

I decide to check it out but a middleaged man, dressed in what could only be called rags and tatters, came out and noticed us before I could act. He is only a bit taller than me with dark eyes and hair.

He is asking us a ton of questions like who we are, where are we from, who are our parents...

'I bet he would get a stroke if I told him whose son I am.'

"Oi, old man! Don't you know that you should first introduce yourself before asking others such questions?"

"Old man?! Listen here you little shit, don't play smart with me! I just asked you a few questions so why can't you simply answer them?!"

"HAA? Jackson-nii, should we beat him up?"

Just as things were getting a bit heated, another voice came from inside the house.

"Dear? What's going on out there?"

A woman's voice. Then a woman, who also has black hair and eyes and is around the same age as the man, opened the door to step out, followed by two little kids, a girl and a boy, seemingly between 6 and 8 years old. They were twins.

Both of them were extremely cute but also just as shy. After being talked to by his wife the man introduced himself as Hayato, his wife as Ibuku and the childrens' names were Haruto and Sakura.

"I am Sabo, this is my big brother Jackson. We aren't from here so…"

"Why are you living out here all by yourself in this shabby hut? Isn't there a village on this island?"

My question stunned everybody into silence. Come on I was just curious. For a while no one said anything until I heard Haruto mumble something about some banishment. Letting out a sight, Hayato briefly explained that, because of a crime his father committed, his family was banished from the Village and into isolation for 3 generations.

'Sounds extremely stupid to me… well not my rules.'

We conversed for a little while longer, before Sabo and I prepared to leave and go to the village. Ibuku explained us the way and even insisted that we take some food along.

Even though they look like they don't have anything besides themselves, she still knows how to give.

Walking for a while, crossing quite a few mountains on our way and listening to Sabo singing from time to time, we finally arrive at the village just before evening.

'I want to see the Isshin dojo. I want to test wether Koushirou really is a master swordsman like some fans believed. I want to try and prevent Kuina's death. I'm curious about the changes that would bring…'

Many ideas and wishes went through my head but sadly, now wasn't the time to go fulfill them.

Soon the sun would set yet Sabo and I don't have a place to stay for the night.

The location of the Isshin dojo is unknown to me at the moment.

There is at least more than half a year time till Kuina will fall down the stairs in the village.

Koushirou would think I am some battle maniac if I went now. Thinking about it once more the last point can be neglected.

After walking around for a while we found a small inn, run by an old couple. What a cliché. Starting tomorrow I will make plans to achieve my real goal for coming here: Getting the Wado Ichimonji. Preventing Kuina's death and training Sabo are bonuses I might get. Regarding the sword, I prefer cutlass over katanas but it's still one of the 21 great grade swords so regardless of wether I will use it myself or give it to a future crew member, it will be worth it.