Time to move to our next adventure!

"Hey Jackson, have you thought about where to go next?"

We were currently in a harbor city in the Frauce Kingdom and my first impression of it was… efficient.

Like one would expect from a big harbor city in one of the world's 50 most important kingdoms it was very bustling but surprisingly it was not chaotic.

The streets were wide and marked in such a way that every delivery of a certain category would have its own route.

Routes crossing each other seemed to be kept to a minimum and most likely should not interfere with regular passengers transportation ways.

The infrastructure reminded me of the one from some big cities I've seen in my first life even though my memories about them are blurry at best.

"Yes. There is nothing for us to do here at the moment so we will sail to the North Blue."

"Huh? Why the North Blue? Shouldn't we think about going to the Grand Line?"

"If you magically became a doctor and a navigator overnight then we can sail to the Grand Line instead."

"Ahhh… oops forgot about that."

'*Sigh* Why is he like this?! I know he can be really intelligent at times!'

"Sabo's nonsense aside, how do you know we will find a doctor and navigator in the North Blue and not here?"

"I don't know. But I heard it…"

That of course was a lie.

"From whom? I didn't hear anything about that."

"From my fists. Wanna have a talk with them? They are eager to meet you."

"… No thanks!" x2

Arriving at the bar, hm1 told me about a while back, we entered and immediately all the attention was on us.

It wasn't to bad. Everyone was eying us cautiously but they were all keeping their distance from us.

'And I though a cliche like the stupid drunktard getting beaten up, would happen.'

"What would you like to drink?"

"A black beer in a less crowed place please."

We were then brought to an empty room from where we could climb down a not so well hidden ladder.

The way led us to the city's sewer system and after walking for a bit, we found people who set up items.

There were weapons, rations, clothes which obviously were stolen and of course…



"Should we kill them?„

Slaves. Female slaves to be precise. It was obvious what for, based on their outfits, or rather the lack of it.

I thought about helping them, but decided against acting to rashly. Instead I chatted up the black market merchant who put them up for selling and tried to learn more about them. It seems like they are runaway slaves.

They practically sold themselves into slavery, by getting a loan hoping to multiply the money in a casino. Later they ran away from the noble, who lent them the money and now they are here.

I don't know wether the merchant guy told me the truth so I secretly pressured him with haki and threats until he pissed his pants but even then nothing else was revealed so I assume that he told the truth.

In the end I didn't do anything else. Butting I'm in that situation is more trouble than worth and with no reason whatsoever. We wandered around the black market and got the provisions, maps and tools we needed but the one thing I came here for wasn't up for sale.

Anything made out of sea stone. I though it would be good to have something like that but it seems we will have to manage without it.

"Ok guys let's go back now. We will find us a new ship and then start sailing towards North Blue."

"Aye Aye!"

"Aye Aye!"

During the next few days we finally departed to our next adventures and possibly new crewmates.

During these days, while we are peacefully sailing towards North Blue, on another pirate ship we took over, the report of the navy's second defeat under my hand spread around.

Our bounties got increased by 1.000.000B each.

The captain of the still unnamed pirate crew, 'Jackson the Goliath' got the highest bounty in the history of East Blue and people started to fear that the marines couldn't take me on.

In cities and villages, discussion and debates about wether I could be defeated and captured started to be held.

Such a development naturally reached the ears of the marine commanders and then of course of the higher ups in the headquarters. It became clear that something had to be done in order to restore the trust in and solidify the position of the marines in East Blue.

Soon the world government took matters in its own hands and a command was given to the fleet admiral to send an officer from the headquarters to catch Jackson and his crew before they could grow.

Navy HQ, inside the fleet admiral's office

"God damnit Garp! What do you expect me to do now?!"

Sengoku was shouting at his long time friend and partner, Garp.

Garp was currently silent, the air around him heavy. He knew that as long as no admiral was sent, which was almost impossible to happen, Jackson would be fine but the problem was what comes after that?

A stronger opponent would be sent together with more ships and weapons and after that another one with even more and more…

He wouldn't get the time to grow strong enough to resist them all. At least not while protecting Sabo, who wouldn't be able to keep up for sure. Not yet at least.

'Damn you brat! Why don't you ever listen to me and do what I say?!'

Garp, who was torn between duty and parental love, couldn't help it but to curse in his heart.

"I am thinking about sending rear admiral Momonga to East Blue."


Garp stood up abruptly and glared at Sengoku before he even knew what he was doing. If Momonga, who is among the strongest rear admirals, really was sent and if Jackson beat him then he would have to face the pursuit of multiple marine higher ranks, possibly of an admiral once he entered the Grand Line.

"Stop glaring at me, this is his fault to begin with! If it weren't for you I wouldn't give him this chance no matter what!"

"…Chance? What Are you talking about?"

"I will send Momonga and station him in Logue Town for the time being. By saying something like he has to catch him before he enters the Grandline, he will think of it as me trying to rebuild the navy's reputation in East Blue by catching him there and that he has to prevent him from entering the Grand Line."

"So you are saying if Jackson keeps it calm for a while and doesn't try to enter the Grand Line you can call Momonga back and declare him as 'went into hiding'?"

"Yes, if he doesn't cause any problems during that time people will think that he is afraid of the navy, regardless of wether it's true or not. In the end what most people believe becomes the truth. That way the marines in East Blue would get back some face and trust and the situation would cool down, even if just slightly."

Garp clenched his first and could only agree to that. Sengoku wasn't obliged to do that for his adopted grandson yet he would still do it even though he would risk more than just his position if this ever came to light. How could he ask for more.

'Please just for the time being, don't do anything stupid!'

And just like that two more months passed.

(AN: Little Experiment. Testing the reactions to slaves. Might give me an idea for further content regarding this)