What a birthday present!

1st January, 1514

[Synchronisation with the following character's power reached 50%: Gol D. Roger. Installation Beginns upon the blessed person's order]

The usual message I get on my birthday appeared once more. Today I became 12 years old, which means it's been almost a year since I set sail and left with Sabo.

After getting out of my bed and doing my morning routine, I started to look around for my crew mates, who I have yet to see. Observation haki reveals to me, that one is in the forest outside Pleasure Town, where we are staying at the moment.

We are currently on Swallow Island, since I wanted to recruit Law but I haven't really found a good approach for it.

At first I thought it would be easy, that I would just have to mention something about revenge and show off my strength a bit, which increased again today. Thanks to the lates increase, not only did I become stronger in all aspects but with future I sight can now see 1.5 seconds into the future.

'*Sigh* still a long way to go.'

Back to the problem at hand. Law is currently living at Wolf's place together with Bepo, Shachi and Penguin. Him having eaten the Ope Ope no mi is something others shouldn't know yet, just as is him being a doctor at 15 years of age.

Besides having met each other in the forest during training, almost no communication or contact has been made so suddenly asking him to join me should result in a decline.

A decline isn't a problem in itself since I would still try to recruit him but having a proper approach ready might prove to be helpful.

While I was walking into the forrest, I saw Kuina on my way. She was training with her sword and it has become quite the sight to behold.

Calmly breathing and concentrating before swinging her sword she cut through 3 falling leaves at the same time but only the middle one actually split into two.

Unlike Sabo, her physique is what is holding her back the most at the moment. She is simply not strong enough to show her swords full power or even to further her sword techniques without suffering damage to her body.

"Look who finally woke up. Slept well captain?"

"Morning to you too. Where is Sabo? I thought you would train together?"

"He is not here obviously and no today we aren't apparently."


"Ok, Next try. Where is Sabo?"

"He went to sparr with that Law guy. At first I wanted to join them but then decided to do so after some warm up."

"So are you warm now? If yes let's go, I want to see wo wins."

"Huh? He might be younger but shouldn't Sabo still win easily? The only time I remember him having problems against an opponent were my father during the first mont of your stay and later that Eric guy. Both happened months ago at that."

'Hmm? Is it just me or did that sound almost arrogant? Like saying: there aren't many real opponents…'

Kuina seemed to be genuinely puzzled by my statement, which was not good. Believing in winning after knowing how strong the opponent is, is confidence. Taking a win for granted without the ability to judge the opponent's strength means she might be getting conceited or arrogant.

"Do you think we are the only strong ones? Not mentioning Sabo, there are people out there that even the current me can't beat yet."

"Yeah Yeah. Never met such people, have you?Look since I started training with you guys, over 8 months passed and I improved more that I did during the ten years before. In a few years I might even be able to challenge Dracule Mihawk and achieve my dream! By the way I am ready so let's go and watch."

'… challenge Mihawk my foot you rotten brain!'

Kuina had gained more confidence after winning against her father back then and started to genuinely believe, that her dream is achievable without Zoro's little talk but this is going to far.

Maybe because she watched me cut those navy ships? She pestered me ever since to teach her that and I told her she might be able to do it in a few years time.

'Could it be she considers that as peak swordsmanship or strength?'

During our walk I was thinking wether she should sparr with Law too. Maybe she might suffer a setback but that would certainly help in setting her mind right.

Arriving at a clearing we saw Sabo and Law fighting. Law was 15 years old and would be turning 16 this year. He is using a long katana, similar to an odachi, probably borrowed from Wolf.

Sabo might be younger but he is fighting Law and pushing him back slightly. Sabo is not a normal kid, that's for sure but without observation haki this would have been a hard fight.

Law is a little monster as well and should be stronger then the 11 years old Sabo but he never learned a real battle technique or style and he is not using his devil fruit on top of that.

Sabo, even if close, dodges Law's attacks cleanly and throws a counter from time to time but Law manages to block them without much of a problem.

The match went on like that for a few more rounds until they both decided to end it since they couldn't decide a winner like that. Looking to my right I saw Kuina being surprised at the outcome.

She might be able to fight and win against the usual cannon fodder on Grand Line but she can't possibly match a slightly powerful opponent in a 1 on 1 battle. Sabo is a bit different in that regard but against enemies like the baroque works top killers he would be helpless in a 1 on 1 battle just like her.

Sabo is now coming over, an excited grin on his face.

"Jackson-nii! I found a strong one!"

'Good Morning to you too.'

"Yeah I was watching the end of your little match. Your opinion on him?"

"He is not just strong! I gave my best and even though he struggled just like I did, he seemed strangely confident. As if he still has something he didn't show in our match."

'He is remarkably sharp regarding such things.'

I noted in my mind. Walking over to Law and the others I wanted to greet them and try to find a way to recruit him when my observation haki suddenly went crazy.


I sensed an incredible presence nearing our location. It seemed to be coming from… the sky? Furthermore there was another presence coming as well. The second one was nowhere near the first one in intensity and size.

It felt somehow chaotic, half empty even. Very strange and hard to describe. A bit later Sabo flinched and sweat started to cover his head and back.

'So he sensed them too.'

"Sabo, Kuina. Go over to where Law is standing and prepare for a battle just in case. You might want to warn them as well…"

(AN: Hey, sorry for not uploading yesterday I was very busy since Monday. Also I was looking up some cannon on Law during his stay on swallow island and it was quite interesting in my opinion. Is a big fight coming? Who might the 2 people be Jackson sensed coming from the sky? Perhaps 2 Ootsutsukis? Find out in the next chapter!)