Going Berserk!

3rd Person POV

Turning the time a little bit back, the group of Robin, Bepo, Sachi and Penguin stood in front of Alman the invincible.

A man around 30-40 years old, close to 300 centimetres in height, extremely muscular, has colorful flower pattern tattoos showing.

He wears an open shirt as colorful as his tattoos, wide white shorts, sunglasses, has long blond hair and a full bushy blonde beard.

Standing in a relaxed manner in front of his 4 opponents he took his time looking at everyone with great focus.

"Wow. To think such weakling could be members of a big shot's crew. No wonder he is going to die here."

Yet his provocation fell on deaf ears. Sachi and Penguin clenched their Katana and spear respectively, while observing the warlord in front of them.

"If you don't wanna come at me, then I will simply come at you!"

Saying this he rushed forward. The group was focused on any of his movements, yet despite their that, Alman still suddenly vanished in front of their eyes.

The next second he bypassed both Sachi and Penguin and reappeared in front of Bepo with his fist raised high.

"He knows soru?!"

Robin exclaimed in surprise. She crossed her arms, activating her power to help Bepo who was suddenly targeted, but Alman swung his fist at Bepo without caring about the arms that appeared and tried to hold his attack back.

Breaking free from Robin's grip he punched Bepo who failed to defend, sending him flying when a spearhead suddenly came flying at him.

It was Penguin's spear which in addition to being able to let electricity flow through, could even fire the spearhead while a steel wire still connected it to the shaft.

Still Alman caught the flying spearhead with his fingers, even using the steel wire to his advantage as he pulled Penguin together with the spear towards him.

Seeing his power and understanding that restraining wouldn't be possible Robin devised another strategy.

Hands came out of Alman's upper body as he was about to ram the caught spearhead in Penguins head.

This time the arms didn't try to restrain him, instead the blocked his eyes and ears.

"What the fuck?!"

The unexpected move caught the warlord by surprise as he missed the chance to finish Penguin. Sachi instead, decided to use this chance to attack.

His sword's blade started glowing red as it heated itself before he swung it in a wide motion. Single parts of the blade detached themselves from each other, yet remained connected through a chain like a whip sword.

Alman let go of the caught spear head to free himself from the arms, just in time to see a sword blade coming at him like a whip.

The red glow indicated a high heat, still Alman decided to deflect the blade using his hands.


A metallic sound resounded after he deflected the attack without problems, shocking the 4 pirates again.

"Hey... wasn't that armament haki just now?"

No one answered Penguin since there was no need to. They have seen it many times, when Jackson fought or sparred with them.

"You know about haki? Guess your captain must have told you but even if you know, that changes nothing."

Penguin regained some distance from Alman but he didn't know how to fight him. In fact no one did. Still they analyzed what they learned from this short exchange of blows.

First: He knows armament haki.

Second: His physical parameters are far above theirs combined.

Third: Judging by how he had to regain his sight to defend against Sachi's attack, it is unlikely for him to know observation haki.

Robin did have an idea of how she could possibly incapacitate him but he would never let it happen if no one managed to garner his attention.

"Alman had enough of waiting and continued his attack. This time he rushed at Robin but Bepo managed to intercept him in time.

Crossing his arms in front of him, he blocked the pitch black fist that came flying.


A loud cracking sound was heard almost the instant when Alman's fist connected.


Robing caught his flying body with her own while Sachi and Penguin attacked once more but he ignored them and appeared before Robin again.

Rising his feet above Robin who caught Bepo and is now on the ground, he slammed it down on her legs breaking them in the process.

The opponent was bigger, stronger and faster but they still had to give it a try.

Both rushed at him from left and right each, their weapons strongly grabbed but when they were about to pierce his abdomen, he again vanished from their sight.

Appearing behind Penguin he grabbed him by the head and slammed it into the ground with enough force that cracks formed in a 10 meter radius.


Sachi's shout was being ignored. raising Penguins head up he slammed it down again before Sachi could stop him.

He ran at him with bloodshot eyes ready to risk it all only for a pitch black fist to expel all the air out of his lungs after landing a hit.

At least two ribs broke from that one attack. As if enjoying to play with pray, Alman raised Penguin again before slamming his head into the ground a third time.


Sachi screamed with all his might as he powerlessly watched this happening. Suddenly the arms that kept appearing on Alman started to combine creating a much bigger one.

This arm that appeared from his back was close to 5 meters in length yet after slamming it's fist on Alman's head, no change occured.

He protected his head with haki. While he was feeling sure of his superiority a loud roar suddenly shook the air.


It was Bepo! Looking at the full moon and wishing for strength for the first time ever he transformed into his Sulong form. He grew to be 3.5 meters tall, his round cute face turned into that of a ferocious beast and lightning covered his whole body. (AN:Volibear! Can someone post a pic?)

His black eyes were blood red as he looked at Alman like a predator would at pray. Without wasting a single second he rushed at him at a speed unfitting his huge frame.

Alman felt a sense of dread from that... beast and was planning to use a hit and run tactic, but before he could begin a light beam shot at him from his side, going through both his legs.


Meanwhile Bepo jumped up, with both arms raised up high and slammed into Alman. Thick lightning followed like a waterfall as the warlord was suppressed despite him using armament haki hardening.

He was already kneeling as Bepo pressed him down. Alman resisted as much as he could with his arms above his head in a x defense, but the worst had yet to come.

Robin sat up and immediately noticed that this is the situation she had needed. Alman unable to move or defend.

Abusing the fact, that he wore wide shorts two arms appeared from the insights of his tights, reaching up like snakes would go up a tree.

"Cient Fleurs: Monkey steals peaches!"

*Lightning sfx*

Alman even lost the strength to scream as pain like no other assaulted his body and mind.


Slowly losing his strength caused his body to break down bit by bit until Bepo, blinded by blood lust bit down on his head and broke his neck with his teeth like a wild animal would do.


Yet despite their win, Bepo didn't turn back nor stopped behaving like a berserk, which worried Robin and Sachi.

"Hey Bepo! That's enough! We have to save Penguin!"

Sachi tried to shout but with his broken ribs and damaged organs his voice wasn't louder than a child's. Meanwhile Bepo turned toward the unconscious heavily bleeding Penguin on the ground, his eyes still as red as blood.

Sachi felt a cold shiver run down his spine when he saw how Bepo looked at Penguin.

'Move! God damn it move!!!'

He tried his best to reach the two but it was pointless. He could barely breath, not mentioning walk. Just as Robin crossed her arms, in an attempt to get Penguin out of there a voice resounded out of nowhere.

"I think this is enough Bepo."

Still it was a voice they knew. One that calmed them slightly.

"Old man Rayleigh!"

(AN: Ok I seriously shouldn't have said anything regarding powerstones since you guys forked out 100 of them in a mere 3 hours. In case I have to write extra chapters, I just begun. What's one more sleepless night, right? Anyways, next chapter is Jackson's fight. Might probably take up more than one chapter and after that fight, one epilogue chapter follows discussing the aftermath and initiating the time-skip. Hope you enjoy!)