The flow of time

Jackson POV

Sabo kept clinging and bawling for a little while longer until only occasional sniffs could be heard coming from him.

"You finally stopped crying?"

"I didn't cry! This was... training! I trained my eyes to see through water!"

"Technique my ass! I am so gonna tell Ace and Luffy about this."

"! NO don't! I really didn't cry!"

Teasing him was still just as fun as it was in my memory. He let go and stood next to the bed but his look became so fixated on me that it actually started feeling creepy.

"I once told this to Ace before but no matter how long you stare at me, my handsomeness won't go over to you!"

"Eh? Why would I want something that doesn't even exist?"


'That's it, he clearly missed my fist more than me!'

"But Jackson-nii... I am really glad that you woke up! Quickly let's go and see the others as well!"

Luckily for him Sabo continued talking before I could remind him of the good old days. Besides that it's true that I want to meet the others as well.

"Ok, fine. Let's go then."

Getting up and wanting to leave the room I finally noticed two things. The first being that my height increased significantly judging by how much taller I am than Sabo.

The second thing being, that I am half naked. Nothing aside from underwear. This on the other hand allowed me to notice another thing after looking down at myself.

'My little friend seems to have hit a growth phase as well... no, no no, first things first.'

"Sabo? Where are my clothes? No, actually where are all my things? I don't see my swords here either."

"I'll go and get you some clothes first. We can go and retrieve you sword from the blue prince later."


'Blue prince? What blue prince? Where exactly am I?'

But without giving me the chance to ask, Sabo dashed off searching for some clothes in my stead. While he was gone I took the chance to look at myself in a mirror on one of the walls.

What appeared was still the same slightly freckled face as Ace's, the eyes having the same color as mom's just like before but my hair changed.

Besides getting a bit longer it had now white streaks running through the original blond tone I got from mom. Of course there is now also that symbol on my forehead.

Other than that I noticed that not a single scar remained on my body. My build was still thin and only slightly muscular while my height was unknown to me at the moment. If I were to guess I'd say at least more than 185 centimetres.

'The healing factor really is bordering on being a miracle but the price I pay isn't cheap either. It's like borrowing time from myself... I should look for a solution regarding this problem before it's too late...'

Sabo returned a short while later with an ordinary blue jeans and a black shirt, both being approximately my size.

After getting changed we stepped out of the room into a spacious hallway, that once more made me wonder where we are.

"Hey Sabo? Where the hell are we?"

"Ah! Right, you just woke up so you wouldn't know. We are on fishman island, inside the king's palace."



'I can understand why they came to fishman island but how come we are staying in the royal palace?'

What followed was a short summary of the events that transpired while I was half-dead. Sabo who was severely injured and unconsciousness from his fight, also woke up only after they had arrived on fishman island.

Enel and Rayleigh brought everyone here while they were either unconscious or being treated. At first they stayed on the ship and later at Tom's brother's house until their wounds were almost healed.

The invitation to the palace came only after they rescued the queen from the assassination attempt, I told them About. It happened around one and a half months later.

"Wait wait wait! Who rescued me and brought me here then, if you all went to fishman island?"

Interrupting Sabo I asked what was on my mind. If they headed straight to fishman island, they couldn't have just 'coincidentally' found my body on their way could they?

"It was a big blue fishman named Jinbe. Enel said that he found our ship very shortly after we arrived and he carried you in his arms. Do you know him?"

"?! Jinbe saved me? But why would he do that? How did he even find me in time in the first place?"

"He didn't tell us. We only know that when he brought you to us, you were alive and regenerating. At least that's what the others told me since I woke up a few days after you were returned."

To think that Jinbe would save me from there, despite us not knowing each other yet. Why was he even there in the first place? Since he didn't attack us like the other 4 warlords, he should have most probably declined or straight ignored the order.

"By the way, the old man also came by to visit."

"...Do you mean grandpa?"


"...How did he know, you were here?"

"He apparently didn't but he came in search for us."

"Really? Why?"

"Only he knows. But on his departure he told us, that he would make a fake report stating that we aren't on fishman island."

Sabo continued telling me about what happened while I was unconscious. It seems like grandpa came by around the time, they saved the queen and were invited to stay in the palace.

His appearance almost caused another huge fight but luckily it didn't come down to that.

"You know, he sat beside your bed for probably days without coming out of your room. Sometimes when I peeked or listened in, I would catch him asking for forgiveness."


"...He also told us about the marines, you fought. They were his friends so he is grieving twice at the moment. The guy with the pistol died, while the old lady had to retire. Her body broke down so badly that she is paralyzed from the waist downwards."

'Holy shit that sounds severe.'

"The woman with the sword may have to retire too. Almost her whole right body half is gone, so if they don't find out a way to help her regain strength, she will never fight again and that is the best case scenario. The admiral got off the easiest with losing his arms and legs."

'So losing both arms and legs is considered getting off the easiest now?'

I know that this must be very hard on grandpa since the marines who attacked were the ones he knew on a personal base, especially Vice-Admiral Tsuru.

"Let's change the topic. What happened with the guy who tried to kill the queen?"

"Only me and Bepo were there at that time, with me still being injured, so he managed to flee by leaving fishman island."

'So Hody Jones, isn't on fishman island any longer, noted.'

"OH! I almost forgot to tell you about our new bounties!"

"We got new bounties?"

"Well not you. The world thinks you are dead so even your old one was revoked."


'I didn't see that one coming.'

Sabo then proceeded to tell me about the new bounties. Sachi and Penguin have the lowest with 34.000.000B and 29.000.000B in that order.

Bepo on the other hand got a bounty of 55.000.000B yet the picture on his wanted poster is showing him in his Sulong form which at first confused them but they leaned it quickly.

"Next up are Law and Kuina, the former having a bounty of 80.000.000B while the later got her's risen to 86.000.000B."

"Was it made public that you beat warlords?"

"It was mentioned that we all fought but the warlords weren't mentioned in any sentence. Not surprising since two of them died."

"Wait, two?! Another one besides Doflamingo survived?"

This piece of news surprised me greatly since I believe to remember, to have felt 3 out of 4 presences vanishing. Sabo directly answered.

"Crocodile also somehow survived according to the old man."

"Tsk! Persistent bastard!"

"Agreed. But because of him I got my bounty risen to 126.000.000B!"

"You?! Over a hundred million?!"

"Yup! I know have more than Robin who has a bounty of 90.000.000B!"

The World Government seems to be giving high bounties to children like they are sweets! (Degenerates Begone!)

"Then this means, that Augur and Enel have the highest bounty. How much is it?"

"Augur got a bounty of 250.000.000B, almost twice as high as mine while Enel's bounty is insanely high with 400.000.000B!"

Well one is one of the best sniper's paired with a super weapon while the other has the possibly strongest logia power. It wouldn't have surprised me even if their bounties were higher.

We finally stopped in front of a huge double door. On both sides were 2 guards who quickly stopped us. They didn't recognize me but once Sabo explained who I am, all the guards retreated their weapons and let us enter.

The room we stepped into was so large that it was more of a hall. Inside were both, fishmen and mermaids as well as the royal family just like I know them from the manga and anime. Even Rayleigh and Shakky are still here.

But more importantly, gathered together at a table, were my friends. The hall became quiet once Sabo and me stepped in, making us the center of attention.


Just as the king was about to open his mouth, a quiet void resounded in this huge hall. They looked at me like they saw a ghost but I am not dead yet, and after seeing them all gathered, I am glad that's the case.

"Hey everyone! Guess long time no s-"

And interrupted again. Why can't no one let me finish my greeting? This time it was a small girl, dashing at me with soru just to hug my waist. (No FBI pls, this is absolutely not illegal)

After throwing her arms around me, as if testing whether it's not just imagination, she just silently buries her face in my shirt.

Her action seem to have brought the others out of their surprise as the next one came practically flying.

Without giving me chance to breath my head suddenly got cuddled by a small white round fluffy polar bear mink.

"Wuahhh! It's really Captain! Law said you might never wake up again but you're here!"

'Wait what? What did Law say?'



"...You know Bepo is an exception since he is cute but I actually don't really like hugging guys."

Sachi and Penguin totally ignored my side jab as they appeared to my left and right each and hugged my arms.

'Hugging a friend is ok but why are they rushing me so emotionally?'

Little did I know that Enel and Rayleigh told the others that I stayed behind and sacrificed myself to keep the enemies busy for them until they could flee. Surely that's how it looked like for them but...

Like what the fuck? I had little choice since the CP 0 bastards appeared so it was either use that defective suicide technique or everyone dies including me regardless.

Yet, hearing this news, not only depressed them a great deal, it even caused trauma for Robin and Law to resurface, since they remembered their beloved people who died while protecting them.

So imagine my shock when Law put his hand around my shoulder while Robin practically threw herself at me in an outburst of projected emotions.


'No doubt, being alive is the best!'

Somehow, we got Enel and Augur included as well creating the unspoken rule, 'Part of the crew, part of the group hug.'

The others in the hall tacitly decided to not pay us much attention or disturb our reunion no matter how chaotic it must have looked.

It took a little while but things eventually started calming down again. Rayleigh, Shakky and Tom joined us while The king and queen welcomed me, together with the princes.

Shirahoshi is in her room, because just like in the original, Van der Decken somehow managed to touch her during the assassination attempt.

'One more thing to take care off while staying here.'

The mood was good the food was great and the alcohol turned a happy meal together with pirates into a banquet.

On this day, the 1st January, 1515, the Jackson-Pirates celebrated the return of their captain, officially reaffirmed the permission with the king and queen to hide on fishman island for an undefined period of time and convinced Silvers Rayleigh and Shakuyaku to stay together with them during mentioned time period to help train the members for their upcoming adventures.

Unbeknownst to the world, this day marks the turning point for a pirate crew, like the world had never before seen. It was also a turning point for me because from now on I will no longer relay just on my cheat for growth.

Hard work, extreme training and many techniques to learn and improve every day all day long for the next few years.

(AN: Hey everyone! Sorry it's a bit late but the chapter turned out longer than initially planned so yeah... Training ark officially begins meaning next chapter starts of in the mid of year 1520, with the reappearance of the Jackson-Pirates! Hope you enjoy! (If you do, leave some stones!))