If you return, you should at least do it grandiosely!

3rd Person POV

Risk Center City, is a city in the center most region of Red Risk Island and is being controlled by Maranzano Sebastiano, the current head of the Maranzano mafia family and leader of the Mazanzano-Luciano-Gagliano family alliance.

Each of them being one of the world's 5 greatest crime organization families who came together years ago to take control of this city.

The leader Sebastiano is a man with a bounty of 422.000.000 B who usually controls and leads by taking note of the smallest details and information but even like him couldn't possibly have expected an event like this happening.

"Boss! That woman who was reported to have attacked our drug laboratories and ware houses already defeated over 400 of our men!"

"Maranzano-sama! The spear fighter in blue already destroyed more than half of our brothels within the entertainment district! Nearly all the slaves, be it male or female have run off after they got a hold of the keys to their collars!"

Many subordinates rushed into an office where Sebastiano was trying to sort out this mess and reported the newest information.

Some time ago Sebastiano got reports about three people suddenly starting attacks on their main sources of income while completely thrashing the guards.

"What about that bear wearing an orange gi uniform?"

(Bepo's orange Gi uniform XD)

Sebastiano asked impatiently, to which one of the men answered him hurriedly.

"He continues to destroy our human houses and loan agencies. The head of the Gagliano family, Gagliano Tommy, went after him with the main force from his family."

"The idiot? Never mind at least with the other heads moving this should be solved quickl-"

"Urgent Report!"

A sudden shout interrupted the leader, before a bald headed man in a suit came rushing into the office.


Sebastiano pretended to stay calm as he asked him since he had something important to report.

"The Luciano family's head, Lucky, went after the spear fighter and lost. His death was reported not even 1 minute ago!"

"...What...wait what?!"

Finding someone capable of killing them is one thing since they are in the new world but actually doing it would mean that their are not afraid of the people who are backing them.

"Do you know who they are or under who's orders they act?"

Getting panicked now would be bad move, that could cost him everything. First and foremost he needs information about the enemies to be able to come up with a strategy.

"According to the last report, when asked for their backer they would only answer Jackson but there was no such name coming up in the last three years."

"Then search from before three years. Search from the last 10 years you imbecile!"

Meanwhile Bepo just finished beating 300 armed guards. As he was turning around and about to continue a loud voice boomed in the area.

"You Bastard! Stay right there!"

The owner of the voice is a middle aged man with short hair and bulky build. He was even taller then Jackson towering at incredible 3 metres.

The man that appeared was the head of the Gagliano family, Gagliano Tommy, who's head is word 179.000.000 B.

"Yes? How can I help you?"

To Tommy's great surprise Bepo actually stopped and acted very politely to him.

"Hah! You bastard what are you suddenly acting so politely for after killing so many of my men!"

"Eh... Sorry!"


Bepo's apology caught him even more off guard.

'Is this a joke? Am I being trolled? Or perhaps he wants to beg for his life?'

Tommy wasn't sure anymore but after staying confused for a moment it occurred to him that it didn't really matter since he only had beat the white talking bear in front of him.

'Come to think of why can a bear talk? No let's beat him first.'

"Hey Bastard. In a few minutes my men will arrive and blast you apart. Until they arrive fight me!"



"...Eh, ok! But I won't hold back even if you are weak!"


'Weak? Me?!'

Unknown to Tommy, in Bepo's eyes, he, who didn't know how to use any haki, looked very week.

"I will show you who is weak!"

Angered by that comment, he activated his devil fruit, which started his transformation. He grew and his skin became green while a turtle shell appeared and covered his whole upper body.

It was a zoan fruit with the model being a turtle.

"I'll show you who is weak! Against my unbreakable defense you stand no chance!"

While Tommy spouted nonsense, he retreated his head and limbs inside the shell before doing a spinning shot attack at Bepo.

He came at him so fast that Bepo could only dodge because of his observation haki. Tommy crushed into the ground after Bepo stepped away but he did not stop to attack.

"What' wrong? Didn't you say I was weak?"

Again and again Bepo dodged, sometimes by using soru and other times by simply taking two steps to one direction.

It went on like this until at some the men of the Gagliano family showed up readying their weapons with the goal to kill Bepo.

"Ah, I better end it now."

While mumbling to himself Bepo covered his hands in haki and caught the huge spinning turtle shell that was shooting at him.


This move surprised everyone who was watching but the cute small polar bear mink wasn't finished yet. Throwing Tommy to the ground with his front site facing upwards immobilized him for a second.

This second was all that Bepo needed to cover his right with haki and slam it down on his opponents chest.

"Hasshoken: Bear strike!"

Under the Chinjao family's secret martial art's power, that Jackson got way back then when they sailed in the west blue(Ch.36), the shell cracked and crumbled into tiny pieces just like the ground beneath Tommy in a 30 metres radius.

"ARGH!!! My Shell!"

"Shakky told me to always properly end a fight. Hasshoken: Bear strike!"

Not caring about the pained cries of Tommy, Bepo delivered another attack to his head effectively killing him, like Shakky had taught him.

"...Mo- Monster!"


"Wait! I can't let you all run away like this!"

"AHHH! Don't come here!"

In this manner a comical chase begun until Bepo caught up and finished almost 90% of them.


"Fuck! Prepare to retreat! We are getting out of here!"

Sebastiano just got the report of Tommy's death. With the other 2 heads having died, he decided to retreat for now and return after gathering more forces.

Hastily stepping out of his office, the remaining head and leader was starting to make plans for when he returned but he stopped in his tracks as soon as he entered the entrance hall of his mansion.

On the ground were the guards he stationed here. Everyone was laying there with their bodies twisted in ways that bodies shouldn't be twisted.

In front of the double entrance door, stood a beautiful black haired woman wearing a tightly fitting one piece dress in white, that covered up to half of her tights.

She was a stunner but Sebastiano got the chills after seeing her.

"Nico Robin? Weren't you and the crew dead?"

"Hm? It seems like not everyone has forgotten us. Captain might be happy when hearing this."

! Robin answered while having her typical smile on her face yet her answer gave the remaining leader the chills.


Suddenly his mind cleared up as if he understood instantly what was happening yet he refused to believe it.

"By captain... you wouldn't possibly mean-"

"Of course I mean Portgas D. Jackson."


This situation was worse then he initially thought! He doesn't know why they would attack but he can think later about it, after he survived and escaped!

"Shoot her!"

He was slowly falling into panic when he gave the command before immediately running off into another direction but he was still near enough to hear Robin say '-clutch' followed by a sinister breaking noise.

Still he neither halted nor looked back while rushing to the backdoor... that is until another Robin entered through that exact same back door.

Not hesitating anymore, Sebastiano attacked while rushing forward.


Making use of his sound sound paramecia fruit he created a massive shock wave that destroyed the ground and walls.

The Nico Robin in front of him turned into petals before the sound based shock wave could reach hear.

Just when Sebastiano was about to rush past the flying petals, a lady's slender arm formed thrusting it's finger towards his head forcing him to halt his dash and stop.


His observation haki warned him about the incoming attack which he dodged in the last second by using soru.

"You want a fight? Fine! I'll Fight you!"

As Sebastiano prepared to shout and create another sonic boom, a hand suddenly appeared from his stomach and slammed his mouth shut with a hasshoken fist.

Hitting his chin gave Robin the chance to continue attacking which she immediately used in the most ruthless way she knew.

All it took Sebastiano to regain clarity after getting hit in his chin was a second but nothing could have possibly prepared him for what was to come.

"Hasshoken: No more descendants!"

Another arm appeared, covered in haki and using hasshoken, to attack Sebastiano's weakest body part.


This time his shout didn't cause a shock wave as he just fell down writhing in agony. His eyes weren't just blood shot but he was actually crying tears of blood.

A quick shigan followed, to end his suffering. A notorious gangsta boss, worth 422.000.000 B died without being able to even fight back after falling in a panicked state.

"I guess captain's name still carries a lot of weight to make him so panicked."

Robin met up with the others on her way back to Red Sea City. Once they arrived and reached the wooden house, the group entered as the last one since everybody else was already back.

(The improvement and battle styles of the powerhouses will be revealed during later chapters!)

Law had taken care of the Bloody Northern City that was led by a fleet captain named John Cockram, a pirate leading a huge pirate fleet and with a bounty of 364.000.000 B.

Enel was attacking Benjamin Hornigold, another fleet captain of a great pirate fleet with a bounty of 500.000.000 B. He was controlling the second port city to the east of the island, the Risk Sea City before he and his men were dealt with.

Augur was in the Risky Southern City and took care of Josiah Burgress, the third great pirate fleet captain with a bounty of 430.000.000 B.

Sabo and Kuina were guarding the two ports in the city just in case the navy is called and sends ships but for some reason, they didn't know, no navy ship came even near the island.

The freed slaves who knew to navigate at least a little bit, got to the port cities and set off with the others using the whatever ship remained in the port, among them the twin sisters who rushed at their chance of freedom. How far they will make it depends on their luck now.

"So everybody is finished?"


"Yes Captain!"

"Then there is only one thing left to do..."

The others looked at him curiously.

"To celebrate our first fight in the new world!"

No one objected as they went to get whatever alcohol they could get while their cook prepared some snacks to go with it.

The next day, two pieces of information went around the world shaking it up once more. The first one is an article on the front page of the newspapers and it's about 'the return of The youngest emperor Portgas D Jackson' but for Jackson and his crew the second article on the next page was more interesting.

'Spade pirates disbanded! Portgas D. Ace becomes Whitebeard's second division's commander!'

(World's reaction chapter coming up next.)

(AN: Okay, I got your stones and you got your extra chapter! Like usual the next one is coming tonight but a dark force is threatening the readers inner peace! The next chapter's ending is hanging on a cliff and only you can safe it by filling it with powerstones in time! (Joke) But seriously do you see now why I cultivated the Dao of Cliff? As always I hope you enjoyed the chapter and if you did leave a comment and some stones!)