After taking the first step just take the second as well since you are already at it

Jackson POV

"And then, that 10 years old little shit, really said that he would conquer the Navy HQ as his first territory! Ahahaha!"

"*shivers* Uhh, I can still vividly remember the ass whooping we got that evening. Even Luffy wasn't spared!" (Sabo)

"Ahahahahah! Great! captain was a man not afraid of a beating even when he was young!" (Penguin)

"Hahahahah! Our captain was kinda stupid back then." (Bepo)

"Ehehe! That's almost cute." (Robin)


'...Is this really happening?'

Grandpa, the hero of the Navy, a Vice-Admiral from he HQ, is sitting here with my pirate friends and telling them stories about stupid shit I did or said as a kid... Well I wasn't really a 'kid' because of the whole memory, reincarnation thing but still!!

Soon after I brought grandpa here the others arrived one by one. Kench prepared drinks and a meals for everyone, which we ate together.

Since grandpa already came by when we were on Fishman Island everyone felt at ease despite us being pirates and him being a marine.

Some light chatter and some small talk and before I had the chance to do anything, he started telling old stories about me and Sabo until evening.


At some point, around the time evening arrived, he put his hands on his laps and stood up clearly signaling that it was time for him to go.

"You are leaving already? It's kinda late so why not spend the night here?"

"You wish. I was actually sent here on a mission and not on vacation."

He answered with a wide grin on his face.

"A mission? Did Sengoku send you to capture me? Has he finally had enough of you and is now trying to kill you off in this way?"


The fist that came flying out nowhere safely landed in my palm as I blocked another of his child abu- I mean fists of love.

"Don't spout such nonsense! As if I would die so easily!"

"...So you aren't going to deny the Sengoku part? What was even your mission?"

Having decided to walk the old man back to the port near his ship, I kept conversing with him.

"Just to test your strength and see whether you are doing fine."

"And what are you going to tell them?"

"That they are screwed, obviously. Hahahahaha!"

The walk wasn't long since we reached the port quickly, or at least what little of the port was still left above the water...

Things like Tokikake and Tsuru or the others weren't mentioned during any time of our little chat. Not because it's hard to mention or feels taboo but because I fell like there is no need to.

Knowing grandpa long enough helps in understanding him to some degree, so I could most certainly tell that he is not angry about their situation or anything.

Just unhappy with how things came to be. The ambush, the injuries and killing and so on, but since we are standing on opposing sites, something like this happening was just a matter of time.

After grandpa left, I spontaneously asked the others whether they want to party just like yesterday, which was approved.

Little did I know that during the same night, Sengoku and the elders nearly got a stroke after what Garp told them.

On the next day we gathered once again during the afternoon. It was time to see where we would go to next.

Bepo opened some maps on the ground for everyone to see. From here on out we have multiple options. One is to just go to one of the next islands following the log pose.

This is the path where I can't depend on my knowledge about the anime and manga since none of those islands were shown in detail.

Another option would be to grab an eternal pose and directly sail to Dressrosa to deal with that bastard Doflamingo helping Law get his revenge.

We could also go and look for the Poneglyphs including the 4 Road Poneglyphs, though that option is bound to make us collide with either other emperors or the Word Government. Not that I mind of course.

The last option would be for us to set out and confront the emperors just for the fun of it. Law was the first one to speak up.

"I'm all for going after that Doflamingo! Last time we clashed our fight got interrupted by Rayleigh so I would like to end it." (Enel)

"Oi, Oi, if anybody is ending Doflamingo then it's me got that?" (Law)

"Is that important? If not I'll just shoot him on sight." (Augur)

That's an interesting direction the conversation is shifting into. It seems like they tend to go after Doflamingo first. Bepo, Sachi and Penguin agreed to it as well.

"I don't care about the order in particular but remember that we have to look for Mihawk as well, at some point."

It was pretty much decided that we would sail to Dressrosa from here on. Using the eternal pose, enables us to follow the most direct route so there shouldn't be any problems.

"Ah? Hey, Bepo. If we use an eternal pose to Dressrosa will we follow a direct line in it's direction."

"Hm, yes. It will directly point towards the location of Dressrosa."

"I see. But according the map, there is one island on the direct route between Red Risk Island and that country."

Robin suddenly pointed out an island on the map that was, as she said, directly on the route the eternal pose would show us.

"Why isn't there a name on the written on the map?"

Bepo took a quick look at it before he recognized the island. Apparently it's not named because it is uninhabited.

"There are only stone ground and nothing can grow there. Many visited this island so rumors spread but there is nothing special about it, besides natural hot springs in the center region."

"Hot springs?" (Kuina & Robin)

"Yes. It is said, that it's great for skin and hair care."

"Skin and hair care?" (Sachi & Penguin)

"Can we please visit this island?! It's practically asking us to with such a convenient position!"

Even Bepo joined in, asking me while acting all cute with his black teary eyes.

"Since it's on the way, why not?"


With this the plans for our next set of actions were roughly finalized. Go to Dressrosa and kick Doflamingo's ass but take a break on the way there on this unnamed island.

For the rest of the evening everyone was doing preparations for our departure tomorrow. Getting food supplies, finding an eternal pose to Dressrosa, checking the ship's condition and so on.

Just as we were about to end the day I noticed paper flyers falling from the sky on my way back from getting the eternal pose. The news birds were distributing something again.

'What is it this time?'

Curiously picking some of them up I noticed that they are the crews new wanted posters!

"Holy shit!

They managed to take a picture of me, in the perfect angle. It showed me with a lighthearted confident smile on my face, my head held high as if I was overseeing something. Overall it made me look like a proud young man.

'That's actually not to bad but what about the boun-'


'They raised it by only 500.000.000 B?! Why the fuck?! I trashed them so badly even as a 12 years old!'

Continuing on my way I met up with the others and noticed that everyone had their updated wanted posters in their hands. For some reason everyone had only a slight increase in their bounties similar to mine.

"I trashed a guy with a bounty of over 200.000.000 B so why is my only 94.000.000 B?"

Sachi complained loudly since he expected more of an increase.

"You at least made it past the 90.000.000 mark. My bounty is just 89.000.000 B even though I achieved the same as you!"

Penguin retorted. They weren't to happy unlike Bepo who got a full 100.000.000 B increase.

Robin's bounty was simply doubled to 180.000.000 B total but she didn't seem to mind it unlike Kuina who was currently fuming.

"Why does Kench have a higher bounty than me?!"

Kench actually got a bounty of 320.000.000, which was somewhat in accordance to the guy he took out but why does Kuina have a bounty of 'only' 306.000.000 B?

She split and sunk tens of ships who came near the port she was guarding before the ships got even close enough to shoot. In the last 6 years all her training paid of and she was currently the strongest, after me and Sabo.

"You are all making too great a fuss about this. It's not like they represent our individual strength or anything."

Law's comment was completely ignored. His current bounty were solid 280.000.000 B but he could have easily gotten more since he took care of a whole city by himself.

Same for Augur who only got an increase of 50.000.000 B but he too played it cool like Kench and Law.

Enel didn't really care yet his bounty was the second highest with 550.000.000 B. Sabo's bounty increased just as much as Laws and his head is now worth 326.000.000 B.

'I expected at least 3 to 4 bounties to be higher than 500.000.000 B and no one below 100.000.000 B'

(AN:Hey everyone! Here is another chapter! How do you like the bounties? They don't represent the rang in strength within the crew yet so don't worry I saved that for later. Not much actually happened in this chapter since I kinda used it to arrange some plans as you may have noticed. I hope you enjoy reading my ff! PS: If you do don't be shy and show it with a comment and power stone ;))