Gone?! Let’s see for how long!!

Jackson POV

Dressrosa. It was pretty much exactly like how it was shown in the anime. Wide paths, colorful houses… Only the people… they were a bit…

As we walked down the Main Street that leads to the royal castle, some people and children could be seen out, either shopping or playing or whatever they usually do.

Upon noticing us most would just give us a quick look while some squinted their eyes at us as if to remember whether they have seen us somewhere before.

Well that only lasted until one man finally decided to believe his eyes and recognized us as the Jackson-Pirates. Pretty sure others must have recognized us as wll but refused to believe that a big shot suddenly appears out of nowhere... sounds familiar.

Of course like every unnamed mob he had to hysterically shout 'The Jackson-Pirates! That is Portgas D. Jackson!' and cause a mass panic among the citizen.

In no time at all the streets were empty but what stumped me more is that along the way, we didn't see a single person outside all the way.

'Was the man broadcasting when he had a panic attack?' I wondered because the news somehow spread so fast that everyone on the island knew of our presence.

"Hehehe! Our captain seems to be more infamous than famous. Everyone started running as if we were trying to eat them alive."


Penguin, after spouting bullshit, had an annoying fly suddenly land on his head, which I, as a good and patient friend and captain, took care of. That definitely wasn't a hit because I felt offended for some petty reason.

"Who said they are running because of me? What if they thought that your ugly was contagious and fled because of that?"

*Lightning SFX*Critical Hit*Emotional Damage*

Okay maybe I was a little annoyed. But lucky for him Robin had some sympathy and patted him on his shoulder relieving some of his depression as he looked hopefully at her.

"Robin-san, what he said isn't true right? I am not ugly right? Please tell him!"


Why would he ask something like that. Robin just politely smiled at him not saying anything, which drove the final nail into the coffin.

"Will he be alright? Penguin looks madly depressed." (Kench)

"Nah... he will be fine in a bit... most probably..." (Sachi)

Yea he kind of reminds me of how Sanji looked after seeing his first ever wanted poster... Our little jokes went on until we reached where Doflamingo had relocated the royal castle after taking over Dressrosa.

Stopping the pointless shenanigans, everyone got ready for battle as we were prepared to blast the big, unguarded double doors open.


'Unguarded? Come to think of it... Why did no soldier or goon ever step out since we arrived?'


3rd Person POV

At the plaza beneath the king's plateau, on which the royal castle is located. Jackson and the others stood there looking at the castle with suspicion in their eyes.

Just now, he and the others tried sensing the people inside the castle with haki, finding out that not a single soul was currently staying in the castle.

'...That damn son of a-'

Jackson's initial plan was to suddenly appear, beat them up and do what he has to, to reveal Doflamingo's doings and crimes.

For the sake of confronting him directly, traveled under the sea for the last day, to make it harder for Doflamingo to track him but this...

"To think that he would outsmart my outsmarting... feels like shit..."

He mumbled just loud enough for the others to hear.

"And now what? Do we officially take over Dressrosa?"

Enel voiced his question to make them focus on the matter at hand, which is the fact that Dressrosa was currently without an official ruler after Doflamingo fled.

"That might not be a good idea. Dressrosa is one of the allied kingdoms who's king even has the right to participate in the meetings in the holy city. The World Government would practically be forced to take actions if they want to keep their status and credibility in the people's eyes."

Robin informed the others. A fight with Doflamingo would be one thing but if Jackson proclaimed himself the king or ruler then the WG, couldn't afford to do nothing when the whole world would be watching them.

Even though Jackson wasn't afraid, since he believed that, if not winning at least escaping would be perfectly possible for the current crew, he hated to idea of war.

It was a word deeply associated with negative images and meanings. His brows and mouth formed his face into a frown making it plain visible that he was annoyed by this development.

"Damn them! Can't they just sit on their asses until we arrived and beat them up?!"

"... I think that would be a bit unreasonable to ask for. Come on Jackson-nii, for now we should go inside and discuss the rest later on." (Sabo)

"No! Let's first search this island! Maybe he is tricking us! You already told us all about the 'secret locations' so we should make sure to look in detail. We will meet back here when the sun is about to set!" (Law)

Thinking that they would still be on the island, is a bit far fetched to not say wishful thinking but Jackson still agreed with Law's proposal. After all it was better to be safe then sorry.


On Punk Hazard. Withing a certain laboratory. Evening time.

A tall blonde man with red glasses was sitting in a private office within the main building of hidden the facilities here.

Thick veins were visibly throbbing on his forehead while a mean scowl was the only expression he could show at the moment.

The man, Doflamingo, had escaped days ago from Dressrosa, taking only the most important tools and machinery with him.

Back then, when he heard about the return of the Jackson-Pirates on Red Risk Island, he had send someone to probe his intentions and possibly negotiate with him per den den mushi. Yet his envoy arrived too late.

The Jackson Pirates had already set sail again and were heading towards Dressrosa. According to the investigation, they bought an eternal pose and took of in the general direction of Dressrosa.

Doflamingo immediately understood that he was the target after hearing that report. He then had 2 options. Stay and prepare to face Jackson on his terms by preparing the terrain or flee and buy time for a counter attack.

He chose the later option leading to the current situation. Instead of heading to a hideout of his own, Doflamingo decided to bring his crew to this secret laboratory, which he build for Ceasar Clown.

"That bastard was really preparing to surprise-attack me..."

The best and most cost efficient solution would still have been an agreement. Therefore Doflamingo had ordered those who were left behind on Dressrosa for intel purpose, to place people and ships on the routes between Dressrosa and Red Risk Island and on the routes between Dressrosa and the unnamed island with the hot springs.

If they could have made contact and peacefully negotiate a truce, he could have gone back and prepared schemes to bring him down secretly but now he was practically in the front against someone he considers a true monster.

Earlier this day he got a report stating that the Jackson-Pirates suddenly appeared in Dressrosa looking for him and his family. According to the goons who where masked as normal citizen they went and searched the whole island after noticing their absence, even finding the hidden underground locations.

Thinking about this deepened his frown further.

"I will get back at you Jackson... be it the WG or the emperors I'll use whoever I have to in order to pay you back."

A short while later a knock was heard. In came Gladius, who was responsible for receiving reports and status updates and inform Doflamingo about them.

"Any good news?"

He asked sounding almost sarcastically. Gladius only nodded in response before telling him.

"They have entered the castle and are gathering on the 1st floor. We can make use of the hidden den den mushies and observe them secretly."

"...That at least aren't terrible news."

Doflamingo stood up and left the office with Gladius. Together they were heading towards the monitoring room that was secretly connected with the royal palace on Dressrosa before he fled.

Instantly after entering, he could see a big room that he knew too well on one of the screens but what made this even better was the fact that they could also hear what Jackson and the others were talking about.

As they listened in on their enemies plans, Doflamingo's frown started turning upside down. A wide, almost maniacal looking grin was now plastered on his face.

"Good... Very Good... Keep talking so naively! With this I will be one step ahead of you and counter all your strategies!"

He exclaimed after having listened in to what Jackson and the others discussed regarding their next steps.

(AN: Hey! Sorry for late chapters, couldn't help it. If you remember I mentioned a chapter for this weekend but it might actually prove harder than thought to make it till then. Sorry!!! Now regarding this chap. Perhaps some might say that the Mingo arc is drawn out by him running away but I honestly would have done the same. There are many ways to fight even those that are stronger than you, but all of them require you to stay alive, which Doflamingo doubted he could achieve if a direct confrontation were to happen so yeah. But don't worry, it will end in 2-3 chapters (approximately so no promises yet). And as always I hope you enjoy reading my ff! If you do don't be shy and drop some funny ass memes or waifu pics. Trying not to get competitive with them stones like last time which caused me to push off all my other work. Till next chapter!)