Chapter 4




Currently in a small crevice under the sea a small little lizard like creature was currently struggling with all its might to tear off bits and pieces of flesh from the corpses of fish bigger than it.

"Damnit this stuff is tough!"

Every bite Shin took in trying to get through the skin of the fish was like trying to bite with no teeth into a piece of paper while it wasn't tough it was just difficult and exhausting.

So far he was only able to get in five successful bites that took chunks of skin and muscle off.

Trying to bite while holding onto the skin then trying to rip it off was difficult and it seemed that it would become more difficult as it appeared night was approaching.

It was unknown whether shin was close to the surface or far below it but a fact was known and that was if there could be light in where he was then he had to be close to the surface.

However, he had thought of this and had held some doubts but what else could it be? An under water stone that emits light?

It could be possible as he had already seen creatures that didn't exist on earth and the very planet he was on was completely new to him.

"I'm going to need to explore this place sometime soon, when I'm stronger.." He muttered to himself.

Shoving the thought to the back of his mind, he went back into the crevice to hide from the creatures that started popping up from the ground or from other caves.

Peeking out of the hole, shin looked at the formidable creatures roaming about killing others smaller or even bigger than themselves.

It truly was a predator eat prey kind of world.

Letting out a sigh, he began to move before he felt something watch him.

In the corner of his small bead eye, a long serpent like creature slithered through the water in the darkness.

It was as long as a jumping rope and as thick as an arm with multiple small eyes surrounding its mouth full of teeth.

'What the hell?!'

Through the hole the snake like creature directly had its mouth facing him with each eye focused on his shivering self.

He froze as he watched each jagged tooth gyrating around like a shredder.


Ducking behind the hole entrance and out of sight, he hid in fear waiting for that shadow to leave.

The sound of flesh and bones crunching and tearing was heard with more blood seeping into the crevice where he hid.

The bloody liquid seemed to give off a alluring sent when it entered his nostrils and gills.

It was as if the smell of blood wanted her to come out and eat it..

[Host has been put under the 'Entrancing' spell]

[Mind and abilities reduced by %10]

Of course for shin he was already as weak as a regular fish with some dull teeth and along with the effect he was now under he stood no chance.

It was like having five whole bottles of alcohol and a hangover at the same time.

He could barely see as the shadow of that large serpent had been long gone giving him some relief in this entranced state.

Slowly shaking out of this weird sensation, he peeked out slightly to see what happened.

Hoping that the snake was gone, he looked through the entrance and saw not only the snake was gone but also one of the big fish was too!

'Damn thief!'

She wanted to try and get the fish inside so others couldn't steal it but she was too weak and other monsters were currently roaming around.

Sighing she decided to go to sleep inside the large cave.

<Three hours later ???>

On his way home, Josh picked up the medicine and quickly rushed to his house.

As he had ran, he came across the familiar road sign that signaled his house being close.

Moving forward he could now see his home coming into view.

'Finally here.'


The storm was getting harsher and harsher each minute.

The rain was like rocks falling from the sky.

Wanting to get out of this weather he rushed to unlock the door to the house with his keys and went inside.

"I'm Here Mom!"

Josh yelled out with a nervous look and took off his wet clothes and shoes on a hanger with his under shirt and shorts on instead.

His house was barely decent on the outside but inside it was filled with dust and broken furniture.

It looked like a robbery had happened with no one to clean it up.

That however was downstairs and upstairs everything was much cleaner and more comfortable.

With only three rooms upstairs being the bathroom, Joshes room, and his mothers it was quite small but it was like heaven to them.

Running up the stairs he headed into his moms room to see her lying in the sheets of her large bed covering her face.

The window next to her showed the thundering storm outside with the rain smacking the roof.

Currently the power was out so the small electrical fan by the bed was out as well making it cold.

Walking to the side of her bed, Josh knelt down and prayed to the someone for them to have mercy on his mother.

Looking down at his mom, he noticed that she wasn't moving or even breathing with her chest not moving.

"Are you ok mom?"

He didn't get a response from under the sheets and so he lifted the sheets but saw nothing but air.


The storm let out a massive strike behind his back as he was shocked to see that empty air took up the sheets.

It was like the scene from Annabelle: Creation when a ghost was under the blanket taking a human shape in the sheets but had nothing under it.

Panicked, Josh looked around the room seeing nothing and he accidentally dropped he bag of cough drops which rolled behind him.

Looking behind him to try and catch the rolling bottles.

He turned to see his mother looking right at him with her limbs stretched abnormally and her eyes were so large and void like looking directly at him.


Afraid to move Josh noticed he wasn't breathing and as he took a breath his mother lunged at him with her mouth open showing a void of nothingness.


He fell into the void filled mouth seemingly falling forever.

[Good Morning Host!]

Waking up shin jolted up to see he was in the same spot where he laid before.. it was just a nightmare.

He was covered in a salty sweat thatt hen floated off her body into the rest of the ocean?

Letting out a quivering sigh he was relieved but still worried at that nightmare.

Was it supposed to mean something?

He didn't know what it was supposed to mean though.

Sitting in the same spot in which he slept he swam up and cautiously looked out of the cave.

The two fish were still there but with one of them having a large bite taken out of its side probably from another creature.


He quickly looked around before swimming out and attacking the fish with all his might.

This time he got about eight bites in and quickly devoured the skin.

It was however not good enough to break larger pieces off and take it with him.

Gritting her teeth he decided it be time to try some stuff out.


Name: Shin Gojira Inbox: 0 {System Store},{Basic Information},{Codex: 1},{inventory}

Level: 3

Age: 2 Days old

Gender: Female

Bloodline: None

Strength: 10

Defence: 15 -10

Health: 30 -10

Stamina: 50

Intelligence: 20


Mana: 10

Weight: 3 pounds

Height: 7 Inches

[System: Your are small and weak. Grow to be stronger you worm!]

Divine Wheel Ticket: 1

(Passive Abilities: Undersea gills [Level 2], Swim [Level 2], Night-vision [Level 1], Sensor [Level 1], Defence counter-attack [Level 1], Radiation [Level 3], Ultimate Transformation [Level Inf.]

Passive abilities can be store bought by the system with a wide variety of options and unique choices or can be gained by evolution!

(Active Abilities: Piercing Bite [Level 1], Tail whip [Level 1], Radial Arrow [Level 1], Radial Breath [Level 1])

Active abilities can be store bought by the system with a wide variety of options and unique choices or can be gained by evolution!

Required Bio-Mass to next Evolution:

Bio-Mass: (40/50)


(Evolve to the Next evolution!

Reward: Information of the basic world)

(Consume the 3 Cartica Fish!

Reward: Unknown gift)

(Explore the cave!

Reward: ???)

He was quite happy that he was already so close to evolving but got even happier when he saw a promising ability.

Looking towards the fish with a chunk taken out of it he let out a sharp smile.

"[Piercing Bite]!"

Rushing at the fish his teeth glowed a slight green before tearing into the side of the fish.

He felt his teeth sink into the carcass not like before as it was even stronger resulting in its flesh being ripped off taking a massive chunk about half his size with him.


Happily holding the chunk of meat in his mouth, he took it back inside the crevice with him to eat.

Setting it down on where he had slept last night, he looked at the piece of meat that looked extremely delicious to his uncertain eyes.

Lunging at the meat he quickly devoured it in a matter of seconds not even phasing his appetite.

[Gained Bio-Points!]

Seeing the notification he felt quite happy and continued the same process with the rest of the remains of the fish.

A few hours later he had finally managed to eat every ounce of the fish leaving him looking like a full turkey dinner.

Letting out a small burp he continued to then open her system and see if she was ready to evolve.

Name: Shin Gojira Inbox: 0 {System Store},{Basic Information},{Codex: 1},{inventory}

Age: 2 Days old

Gender: Female

Bloodline: None

Strength: 10

Defence: 15 -10

Health: 30 -10

Stamina: 50

Intelligence: 20


Mana: 10

Weight: 3 pounds

Height: 7 Inches

[System: Your are small and weak. Grow to be stronger you worm!]

Divine Wheel Ticket: 1

(Passive Abilities: Undersea gills [Level 2], Swim [Level 2], Night-vision [Level 1], Sensor [Level 1], Defence counter-attack [Level 1], Radiation [Level 3], Ultimate Transformation [Level Inf.]

Passive abilities can be store bought by the system with a wide variety of options and unique choices or can be gained by evolution!

(Active Abilities: Piercing Bite [Level 2], Tail whip [Level 1], Radial Arrow [Level 1], Radial Breath [Level 1])

Active abilities can be store bought by the system with a wide variety of options and unique choices or can be gained by evolution!

Required Bio-Mass to next Evolution:

Bio-Mass: (40/50)


(Evolve to the Next evolution!

Reward: Information of the basic world)

(Consume the 3 Cartica Fish!

Reward: Unknown gift)


(Explore the cave!

Reward: ???)

Feeling very happy at his progress he also noticed the piercing bite had leveled up as well!

"System how do I level up my abilities without using them?"

[Host can level abilities by repeatedly using them on targets or by evolving into your next stage]

Nodding at the information he scrolled down to see the option to evolve in which he quickly accepted.

The moment he accepted the option immense pain shot through his small form making him writhe in pain as he grit his teeth.


Letting out a scream of pure pain he couldn't bear it any longer before passing out.

<Hours later>

Shin felt the dark space that he was in slowly fade away before it cleared up.

Squinting open one eye he saw the pitch black cave from before was much brighter showing a large statue of a man in a robe with a trident seemingly aiming directly at him

[Evolution Complete!]


To be continued