Chapter 14

Evan looked around the dark hallway seeing a small table with a lamp and a framed picture at the side.

Walking through the hallway he passed a window that seemed to reflect everything he feared… metal monsters full of holes and teeth giving him a glimpse of death.

Multiple rooms passed him as he left the hallway entering a living room.

He recognized this layout so far… it was still the house from the fourth game.. It was the Afton house.

A bunch of rooms sat around a couch that faced a tv sitting on a small cabinet.

Just by design, he could tell it was made in the early. 1950's or so.

But past the room, in the kitchen, he saw a tall man with dark black hair, and beard stubble going up to both of his ears, wearing a purple vest and office shirt with black pants and a belt.

'This must be him..' He thought as he cautiously approached the murderer expecting the worst, but by the time he was right behind him, he was quickly scooped up into a hug.

"Ah, Evan! My dear boy how are you? I know Michael may be scaring you but he's just playing! I'll tell him off but for now sit down and have some pancakes, I got a surprise for you!" The man said with happiness as he motioned him to a seat at an old table.

Sitting quietly with confusion plastered on his face he looked at the man.

'Is this really William?'

Evan didn't know what to make of this as what he knew about William was that he was heartless killing children and stuffing them in suits, but the person in front of him seemed like a loving family man.

He was taken out of his thoughts when William brought over a plate of hot pancakes covered in maple syrup joined with a juice box.

The aroma of the pancakes made him salivate because of the past days in the ocean.. he didn't have that luxury to eat such a meal.. only corpses and flesh.. which didn't taste bad.. but not his most preferable dish.

Quickly taking a fork that was placed on a napkin to the right of the pancake, he dived into the pancake and began eating like there was no tomorrow.

It was so sweet and delicious, it was the best food he's tasted in forever! He felt that it could compare to his mothers cooking when he was younger.

Memories flooded Evan's mind of his childhood in his past life with his mother and grandma.

A small tear left his eyes which his father took notice of.

"What's wrong? Are the pancakes not your liking? I can make a new batch if you'd like." William said rubbing Evan's head softly.

He shook his head and replied with a soft voice, "No.. dad, it's just so delicious! Thank you".

William beamed up with pride before taking a seat on the opposite side of Evan as he finished his pancakes.

"Now the surprise! Toda- oh make sure you drink! Don't want you to choke now would we?" He said motioning to the drink that sat beside his plate.

Thanking his father, he took the box into his hand noticing the brand.

'Minute Maid.. huh.' Inspecting the box he took of the plastic wrap on the straw and drank.

Taking a sip of the lemon-aid, the cool liquid seeped down his throat and made him feel as if he was in Hawaii on the beach with cold water and ice.

It was so refreshing, Evan quickly guzzled it down making William chuckle.

Evan didn't know why William was like this.. Maybe before everything happens he was still a good nice man.. it was just a new experience.. especially since his father in his past life was never there.

Quickly finishing his food and drink, Evan looked to his father who was staring at him with happy eyes.

"I see your finished! Would you like to know the surprise today?" William asked putting his arms behind his back.

Evan slowly nodded his head with uncertainty before William stood up and exclaimed..

"We're going to Fredbears for your birthday!" William pulled out some confetti and a one of those little things that extent and deflate when you blow into it.

He was indeed surprised alright and felt some warmth in his heart before he heard his system.

[Congrats o-o-on your 8th birthday H-H-H-Host! Gift Pending… Gift Received!]

[Gained Birthday Cake(Chocolate)!]

The cake was added to his inventory as a +1.

The system glitched as it spoke creeping him out.

He decided against asking the system as he thought it was trying to scare him being in the five nights at Freddy's game after all.

Opening his inventory, a little icon of a plump chocolate cake sat in a lot while next to it he saw something else.

'What's this…'

Tapping the icon of the object its description appeared.

[Item: Sphere of Energy]

[Description: A reward from your 'Consume as much blood as possible' Quest! Item received is a Black energy sphere that can generate enough energy to power an entire continent for 100 Years! Will be fully refilled with energy every 24 hours!]

[A gift to help you get through this world, I took it into my own hands to pull this off.. happy birthday!]

He thanked his system happily at the generosity it gave to him.. he began to think of it as a real person by how.. human it seemed.

As the ideas on what to do with his orb came to mind, his fathers hands clapped him out of his thoughts.

"Are you okay son? Your staring off into space, did I surprise you that much?" William said with a smile.

Nodding his head at his fathers question, he wiped his mouth clean of any food.

"Alright then! Would you like to go now? By the time we get there it'll be open and we can be the first ones in! I'll ask Henry for some space if required son." William awaited a response in which Evan nodded his head making William smile.

He told Evan to wait here and quickly left, likely to get Micheal, his wife, and Elizabeth.

Moments later, he arrived accomplice with a beautiful woman and a teenager with the same clothes that monster wore earlier.

The teenager stood very smugly with his arms crossed like a bully.

The woman smacked him across the head and then went up to Evan.

"Hey dearie, are you ready for your special day?" The woman asked.

"Yes ma'am" Evan replied with a small bit of excitement evident in his eyes.

Michael on the side let out a small Tsk unheard by them as they left the room.

"Michael Honey! If you want to bring some of your friends along with you, you can! The more the merrier!" Clara Afton called out to Michael.

Hearing this Michael beamed a bit more knowing he wouldn't have to be bored with his wimpy little brother at his dads workplace.

Evan looked around for a certain someone that he has yet to see.. Elizabeth.

He had walked around and eventually made it to what seemed like a little girls room but with dust and a few boxes in a corner.

'She's already died…' Evan thought to himself as in the fnaf timeline it was unclear as to when she died but how she died was easy.. killed by an animatronic and then possessing the very same animatronic.

He felt bad for his 'sister' but chose not to dwell on it.

William had gotten ready and came out of his room wearing a blue button shirt and jeans with a nice watch on his right wrist.

Clara had picked out a dark green dress with a ribbon in her hair tying into a ponytail with a shiny necklace on her neck and a few golden rings on her fingers.

Michael didn't changed and only tidied up before coming back from his room.

Evan had changed out of his black shirt and gotten into a blue shirt with a pocket and light brown shorts while wearing crocs for shoes.

"Everyone ready?" William asked as everyone gave a nod before they stepped through the living room and passed the kitchen before coming up to the front door.

William and Clara stepped out and headed to a red car while Evan and Michael were about to follow.

Evan, getting ready to step out of the house, was suddenly pinned by Michael on the wall out of William and Clara's sight.

"Listen twerp, don't even ask me to play with you or give you crap understand? If you do I'll scare you so hard you'll piss yourself on the spot!" Michael threatened gaining some tears and a quick nod by Evan.

Quickly shoving Michael off, he walked out to his parents car and got into the back seat behind Williams driver sides(left side) and Michael joining them by sitting behind Clara.

Evan was pissed at his 'brothers' threats and actions, but he couldn't do much for now.. and that made him mad.

"Alright everyone here we go!" William put the keys into ignition and turned making the engine of the vehicle roar to life.

Pulling out of the driveway, he took in his surroundings.

'So we're indeed in the woods.' He thought as he pressed against the window.

A dirt path lead the family through the woods and finally after a few minutes the dirt road met with a concrete pavement in which a few cars had driven past.

The family drove onto the road and turned right heading passed a gas station, some office buildings, apartments, stores before finally turning to a restaurant that held a large sign with a big yellow bear holding a microphone.

{Welcome to Fredbears Family Diner!}

Evans eyes wandered all around the building taking in the design of this place.

It looked so much cooler to see in person rather than behind a screen and inside the place being hunted down by killer robots.

As they pulled into a worker only spot and parked before everyone got out, William gave a look of excitement turning to Michael and Evan who got out of the car.

William walked up to Michael and whispered into his ear while Evan was being hugged by Clara telling him how special he his on his big day.

"Michael, Can you take your brother to the main stage and watch him for a bit we need to get everything ready! I also need to discuss with Henry about Freddy Fabears so go along now", William said with a stern look before Michael let out a sigh and agreed.

Patting Michael's shoulder he went up to the doors leading into the restaurant followed by Clara holding Evans hands and Michael looking around for his friends.

Mrs. Afton had went in to order his favourite meal to be ready when they sat down.. no matter where he would go, if his meal had cheese pizza.. it would always be his favourite.

The little boy looked around with stars in his eyes, the animatronics on stage performing to a few kids.

'The originals… or I guess the older ones as the others are just at a different location.. somewhat new..' Evan thought to himself while looking around.

Parents sat by tables eating with their children talking to other adults about their lives and such with employees around the place working at the cafeteria, prize booth, arcade area, and one was next to the stage watching over everything likely the head security guard.

Evan was suddenly tapped on the shoulder by someone and he turned around to see Michael in all his glory.

"Alright dork, dad said I was supposed to take you and watch you with the dumb robots, but here's how this will go, you will go and sit there and not move while I go with my friends to play in the arcade and if you do move I'll kick your butt understood?" Michael said in a demeaning tone.

"Fine…" Evan muttered with a frown.

"Good." Michael said in a huff as he left.

Evan was mad at his brother but also slightly afraid of him, he didn't know why.. he had been used to death and monsters.. but a boy with issues made him scared, it annoyed him.

Sighing in discontempt he made his way past the crowds coming upon a few young children sitting down laughing and giggling at the two giant animatronics in gold.

Spring Bonnie looked so magnificent with detailed features and soft looking fur.

It seemed to shine with a holy aura as he played a beautiful song on his red guitar.

The massive golden bear was no different.

Fredbear turned his waist letting his upper body move around while talking and singing, telling stories to the young audience.

Evan was hypnotized by the moving bear, it reminded him so much of his childhood when he would go to Chuck E. Cheese and eat pizza and even in his teen years when he first started hearing about fnaf.

The young teen was in the arcade with 3 of his friends playing multiple games winning tickets and adding them up to buy his friends some masks so that they would match.

"Heck yeah dude! 32,000 points!" A fat kid said pumping his fist.

"Alright we have enough to get those masks you guys wanted. Let's go." Michael said holding his own foxy max.

"Awesome, when we have matching masks like that cool foxy mask we can scare your little brother! It makes me laugh so hard!" A Boy says with a mischievous look on his face.

Michael sighed, taking the collected tickets trading them for the Chicago, Bonnie, and freddy mask from the prize counter.

Everyone took there own masks and put them on looking like a band of serial killers with a means to rob a bank.

They started giggling scaring each other walking around like robots and playing before the one in a Freddy mask said something.

"Hey Michael, let's go scare your wimpy brother already!" The masked child said with his eyes peeking through the brown bears eye sockets.

"Yeah! I wanna see him pee himself heh!" The masked chica boy said.

The Bonnie and Chica masked kids snickered in agreement looking towards Michael.

"….I'm the first to scare him got that?" Michael said with a smile before the other three nodded their heads.

The four of them smiled and snickered to each other before turning to the room leading to the main stage.

It begins..

Most of the other children had left leaving just me and a girl with her brother as we watched.

I found myself sitting in front of Fredbear admiring the details and movements while the other two were watching Spring Bonnie.

"-and the boy had be reunited with his sister the e-end". FredBear had finished his story about a brother losing his sister in the woods and venturing out to find her going through battles with silly bandits.. a true children's tale.

Evan was happy to hear the ending even though it's for children, he guessed that this was due to his current self being a tiny child.

The Bear and bunny had been still while the head security guard had gone to the back to install a different song or story.

He had been here for around twenty one minutes and during that time Clara had came over to tell him that his favorite pizza was going to be ready soon with a side of cheesy cheese sticks and to wait with the animatronics while he waits.

Thinking of those delicious bites, he still wanted to look at Fredbear to see how he worked, what made him move so fluidly? Even with a few sudden stops in motion every now and then he seemed to be so futuristic when they were made in the nineteen hundreds.

As he was in thought, a large hand grabbed over his shoulder pulling him around as he saw foxy with it's jaws open revealing sharp teeth.

He felt fear once more seeing the large maw as small tears welled up in his eyes before the fox pulled back laughing surrounded by more kids in masks..

"Aww the baby is crying!! Wawawa! You should've seen the look on your face!" Michael said with a sneer while laughing.

The others stepped forward scaring him more as the Bonnie masked kid spoke up.

"It looked like he was having fun with the golden fatso! I can't believe he doesn't like Spring Bonnie or the new Bonnie!" He said in a disgusted tone.

"Fredbear isn't that bad bro, you just have bad tastes." The Freddy masked kid said in a taunting voice.

The two started arguing before Michael stopped them.

"You know 'Bonnie', your right he did seem to be having fun with the Bear.." Michael said behind the mask before slowly and walking towards Evan.

Evan knew what was going to happen by what his brother was saying and looked around seeing and opening before making a dash for it, but was caught in the arms of the Chica masked kid.

Freddy came over to help restrain him and brought him over to Michael.

"I don't think Fredbear liked you trying to leave him! You should apologize…"

Evans heart started to beat fast as Michael grabbed him from the others.


Michael stepped on the stage holding Evan, as he did Evan began to hyperventilate as he got closer to the massive animatronic, its mouth moving with gears grinding..

The brother and sister had already left leaving Evan with no help.. all alone.

"a big ol'…"

Michael raised him to fredbears jaws with its gears grinding and moving up and down as he struggled to try and get out of Michaels grip.

He knew what this was and he didn't want to be apart of it, he didn't want to know death a third time!

But alas, he was a powerless child with an energy sphere in his inventory in which he couldn't think of for help as his mind had shut down as his head was placed in Fredbears mouth.

"Kiss!" Michael shouted shoving him directly into the metal maw.

Evan tried to squirm out but it's jaws grew tighter around his head.. and a single tear fell through the metal gears and into a spring lock.

A loud snap was heard as Evan looked around in the robots mouth seeing nothing happening slightly calming him down before he felt pain all around in his head.

Red seemed to rain from the stage splashing onto the four kids who watched in horror.


To be continued