Chapter 17

'.Agh.. damn, feels like I slept on a brick floor..'

Light filled eyes as I could feel myself wake up.

A Yellow and dirtied suit of a decommissioned spring Bonnie suit sat only a few feet away from me on a large grey wall and checkered floor.

I felt myself try to move out of instinct due to a large robot staring at me with its voidless eyes and gaped mouth, but my body was restricted.

It took me a moment to realise that I was looking through yellow sockets, much like springbonnies.

The dark and grimy insides of where I looked through matched the same anywhere else I looked.

Just barely able to peer over at my limbs, large bulky, cylindrical arms connected to my shoulders.

Words tried to form at the shocking sight.

" t-this-."

I was slightly surprised at my first words as I sounded like a glitchy male Alexa.


But as I had tried to understand what was happening, I was cut off by a deep voice with a somewhat childlike tone to it.

"..W-ho are yo-u?" I asked looking around to try and find the origin of the voice.

The voice had never responded with time slowly passing by with my protests and questions but I was given no answer.

Left in my thoughts, I tried to get used to this situation.

The strange feeling of my once small body turned ghost, stuck inside this large animatronic felt like trying to hold a thousand pounds.

I couldn't move at all frustrating me more, after all I was stuck, no answers made, and in a very bad situation.

However, as more time passed, I could notice the smallest of whispers growing in the small dim room around me.

Even with.. or without a body, I could still feel my ear perk up at the noise.

The more I tried to listen to the voices, the more confused I would get, some sounded like little children.. boys and girls, but others started to sound like adults.

I tried looking over to where it came from, but the large frame of my head was too hard to move.

'This is really annoying.'

The thought of not being able to do anything while things continuously happen with or without you truly was a scary thought that was happening to him right now.

I still however had a trump card for this situation.

With one swift thought, I beckoned my system to show me my status.

Comfort welled in my heart as the familiar bright blue screen formed in front of my eyes about the size of a regular T.V screen.

This, however, was a short lived moment.

"What is that.."

Even without a neck, I felt myself go stiff as I heard that deep voice talk again.. and this time it seemed to see my system.. this was grearly concerning.

At lightning speeds, I quickly closed the screen with the deep voice still questioning me.

"Wh-at was wha-t?" I asked trying to act as if I saw nothing.

The disembodied voice seeme to grow angry at this comment, questioning me further.

"The b-blue box, did yo-u see it-t?"

I had to be careful with how I responded, but if I acted indifferent or confused I might have a chance.

'I didn't s-see anything…'

The small spark of fear spread through my body as it didn't speak.

'How can it see..' The very fact that it could see his system which was something beyond anything here and made specifically for himself was scary.


Once more the deep voice sounded, but this time even more scarily was inside his head.

It could hear my thoughts..

I couldn't even read my mind without my mind being read by this thing.

Shutting up, I decided to wait it out while coming up with a solution.. that hopefully it wouldn't see inside his mind.

I gave a test run by thinking about pandas having nipples and piercings like a street thug, and it thankfully didn't seem to question this thought process.


Through the large metal doorway that he had noticed earlier, the sounds of laughing and talking could be heard creeping inside.


The voices of what sounded like kids became more clear before I saw the large door creak open, lighting up the rest of the room a bit better.

I was surprised to see a head of what looked like a young boy peak through the cracked open door, slowly pushing the rest of the door open.

Around five kids stood behind the kid, two were girls and the other three were boys.

"Woah look at this place.. It's so creepy!"

A young girl with long brown hair in overalls and pink shirt, spoke with excitement as she moved in beside them.

"Zack how'd you get those keys anyway?"

Another boy spoke aiming this question to the first kid he had seen, likely named Zack.

"I've got my ways."

The kid, Zack, tall for his age wearing denim, spoke with a smirk on his face while twirling a set of multiple keys on his index finger.

"Hey, look at them!" A young ginger boy said while pointing his finger at the two deactivated animatronic suits.

Everyone turned their attention to the two laying on the ground before walking up to them.

"Who are these guys? They look so old." A blond haired girl said with nervousness as she held onto another girl likely her friend who rolled her eyes at the gesture.

"They look familiar…" The ginger spoke as he waddled his way up to Evan's massive frame.

"I think I know who they are, they Freddy look alike is Fredbear and the weird yellow bunny was Spring Bonnie!" A pitched voice of a boy with, suprisingly, white hair spoke as he was familiar with them.

"How do you know Jake?" The blonde asked.

The named Jake turned while going back into thought.

"My dad used to tells me stories about them when I went to sleep at night, they are rumored to eat misbehaving children!" Jake said while making a scary face at the girls making them squeal.

The whole interaction made Evan laugh inside as it reminded him of a bunch of misbehaving children.. something he once wanted to had when he became an adult in his past life.

To have a family and a loving wife would bring him an ultimate happiness, but financial stability alone even at his young age was something he struggled with majorly.

His first and foremost concern was to care for his mother and grandma giving him no time to properly socialise with others beside his old friend giving him urges and unfamiliarity when it came to girls.

The gloomy thoughts snapped him back out of his longing as the children continued bickering.

"Y-you liar! Aren't they just from the older restaurant!?" The girl said to jake.

"Haha! Of course they are, they were originally from a place I think called.. Fredbears Family Diner…but something happened there… my parents won't talk about it around me." Jake said with a monotone voice while looking at my jaw.

"Why are they in this place?" Another girl said to Jake.

"I don't know exactly why…but since FredBears family diner was shut down.. maybe they were moved here for storage?" Jake said with uncertainty, taking his eyes off my jaw momentarily.

One of the boys who was listening, walked up to my sitting frame and looked closely into my eyes making my slightly uncomfortable seeing the boys nostrils literally shoving against my face.

I stared directly back at the boy seeing his cyan blue eyes but to the boy all he could see were the empty eye sockets of the Golden Freddy or 'Fredbear'.

"I feel like.. it's staring directly back at me… it's as if it's alive." The boy spoke with visible nervousness forming on his face.

"Are you scared Cory? They're shut down! They can't do anything unless the company wants them to." Jack said teasing the kid who began to move away trying to shrug it off.


Surprised as I once again heard the deep glitchy voice speak before letting out a creepy child like laugh of a girl that echoed through the room.. even giving me chills.

"What was that!?" A girl nearly shouted as she clutched onto her friends in fear.

"I-I don't know, but I'm getting out of here!" Cory yelled, before he ran out of the room followed by everyone else, but jack.

The tall boy slowly walked up to me with no visible emotion on his face as if he was oblivious to the literal laugh of a ghost.

This changed the very next second when his brown eyes widened at the sight of something on my broken jaw.

"T-there's blood.. on the jaw… old blood…and the jaws broken…" Jack murmured as he recounted Jake's tale of the old restaurant.

Jack, however, wanted to make an even closer inspection on my hanging lower jaw before a shout sounded behind him, drawing both of our attentions.

"Hey! This area is off-limits for guests! How'd you get in here? Wait, where are my keys?!" An employee wearing a purple shirt with black pants asked when he had saw the open door with kids running out.

He immediately went to investigate what was happening only to see a young boy about to touch old Fazbear Entertainment property.

Questioning how this happened, the employee saw Jack with the keys still in his hands and figured what happened.

The boy cursed under his breath.. foul language.. before running through the employees legs and running away like a slippery fish.

Yelling, the employee gave chase leaving the door wide open letting Evan truly see the outside.

The illuminating light showed a sign on the metal door labeled 'parts and service.'

I had surmised this earlier, but I held my breath as I saw families and the fun atmosphere of the rest of the restaurant in full motion.

This all paled, when it came to the main attraction of stage that stood out like a black sheep.

On a big wooden stage were the big three of the show.

There stood Freddy, with his microphone singing, Bonnie playing with his guitar, and Chica with her cupcake talking about yummy pizza.

Mixed feeling swelled up inside him due to two reasons.

The sight of seeing old nostalgic characters in person was a rejuvenating feeling..

But another thing he saw by just looking at the performing animatronics, were the bright curled forms of kids outlined each of their bodies from inside their torsos.

The most surprising thing was that he could somehow see that their bodies were still inside.. rotting.

The sight made me stir slightly, but other than that, he didn't feel much surprising him.

He should be disgusted, horrified, wanting to cut his eyes out.. but nothing.

Confusion was the main thing on my mind due to the lack of emotion, but this was interrupted by the same deep voice speak weirdly in my mind.

'They are still here…they are angry…they are your friends…Evan.'

After having not spoke much and being very vague, it gave this surprising detail, even knowing his name.

'How d-o you kno-w my nam-e?'

I responded slightly uncertain of a response, but I thankfully got one.. a very specific one.

'I know more than just your name… I know who you are… your entire life.. in my grasp..'

An audible gulp sounded through the throat of my spiritual body at this notion.

'It doesn't matter.. we're one now.. somewhat, we need to prepare.'

The ripples of its words sounded in my head giving me a headache even more along with its confusing words.

I wanted to ask what it meant but at the next moment the voices of two men came within earshot.

"Dude, I don't think I can handle this job for much longer! The ad said it would be minimum wage for only a few hours but I've been having to work the night shift in like three hours and I'm already being pulled left and right by the guests!" A grown man sounded through the door in complaint as he was being assured by his buddy.

"Look man, maybe you can ask the manager for a raise or something, it can't be that hard imagine how easy the night job w- hey why is the parts and service room open.

The two stopped talking before walking over to the door, peering in to see Evan and Spring Bonnie locked in an eternal staring contest.

"I don't know but those two freak me out." The man who was complaining earlier said while rubbing his clean shaven chin.

"Hey. I remember that one…Fredbear I believe.. hey remember the old diner with the accident a few months ago?" The other person spoke to the complainer.

"Of course I do… my mother was crying about how someone was bitten or something.. I tried to ask for more details but she said nothing else and the police is keeping everything under wraps." He replied.

"Apparently a young kid was bitten in the head by Fredbear, the yellow bear, and got killed… look at its jaw.." They both turned to look at my mouth which was covered in old dried blood with a loosened broken jaw as I watched in interest.

Both of their throats clenched in fear with a swift "nope", as they both shut the door and left with the shuffles of their footsteps fading away.

Slightly sad due to having no one to talk to with no way to move, I sighed a metallic groan.

Hours eventually went by before I heard a bell and an announcement sound throughout the entire diner.

{Closing time! Families please escort your children out of the premises! We will be open next week after scheduled maintenance! Hope you had a nice time at Freddy Fazbears Pizzeria, come join us again soon!}

I listened as the start of the night began


To be continued