Chapter 54

Walking through the dark cave with his hands in his new hoodie and pants, he observed with caution as he continued down the path of the cave thanks to a flashlight he had.

The large quadruped had ducked down slightly to fit and had managed to be quiet a few ways back but not too far in case he needed to fight.

His golden Freddy counterpart was invisible searching the area as well for any anomolies or outliers that shin might've not sensed but it was good so far.

In shins eyes, he could see a direct outline of everything in the cave like a map telling him where to go because of his sensory skills that he developed from his main Godzilla form.

In truth he had the ability to use all of his abilities in any of his forms, but if they were not strong enough to handle it they would destroy themselves like shin almost did with his new Flare skill.

So unfortunately for him, he couldn't start firing atomic breath out of his mouth, but he could the next best thing.

His ability to use skills like molecule and liquidiser were perfect to use as they were similar to the manipulation he used with telekinesis only a bit more complicated.

But he had used it enough times before to understand its basic structure.

Looking on his little map he saw that he had quite a ways to go until he would reach the bottom so he decided to speeds things up.


Using his molecule skill he moved his hands to move the stone mineral tunnels apart carefully from tunnel to tunnel below him before it ended at the tunnel before the entrance to where they were all located at.

Watching as the stones stopped, he began to move forward up to the sizeable hole that led downwards before floating down with ease.

He watched as his quadruped clung to the walls and floor making its way down like a massive metal spider which gave him an idea for a future project he would work on.

Golden Freddy did the same movement as him as they all made their way down the newly crafted tunnels that avoided some of the Bri that were scattered around them.

The farther down he went the louder it got.



The sound of buzzing began to fill his ears along with chittering making him cover his ears and try to block out the sound frequencies.

Before long he had finally managed to get to the bottom where it was now the loudest.

He could barely hear himself think before he managed an idea.

Using his molecule skill he was able to turn the sound of the unrecognisable language into plain English for him to hear.

[Queen- Feed Queen]

[Intruders above! Intruders above!]

[Protect Queen- Prote-]

The chattering of the Bri inside gave him an understanding of what was happening.

'Well this is going to be harder than I thought.' Shin sighed as he had pretty much destroyed most of their force with the rest of them guarding their last fortress.

He couldn't hear the queen over the sounds of the workers talking so he decided to move on.

As they exited the tunnel they used to get to the bottom, shin saw as it connected to a large grotesque door with strange unreadable symbols that he nor the system could translate.

He heard the sound of the Bri right behind this door.

If he were to go through this door they would all likely attack him in which he would probably fail the bonus quest so he decided against that.

Looking back at his map at the largest red dot he surmised to be the queen that was in the very back of this large area with little to know Bri around them he formulated a plan.

He would dig a tunnel around the large area where it had not been dug to where he would get closest to the queen while his quadruped and golden Freddy form would distract them at the entrance to leave the queen alone hopefully.

They were strong enough to hold their own ground thanks to the quadrupeds newly impenetrable shield and golden Freddy being a nigh untouchable nifty gave him hope that they would be fine.

Beginning his plan he looked off the a dirt wall that had roots sticking out before it began to mold and reshape into a small narrow path for him to enter.

Entering the new path he quickly made his way to where he saw the giant red life signal through the dirt with none getting on him… he wanted to at least look presentable.

As he was nearly right beside to where he was with the queen he could somewhat hear the chattering of a female voice along with others.

'This must be her!' Shin thought before he used one of his lasers from his quadruped to blast down the door.

With relative ease it came tumbling down with the hive stirring in anger before they began to rush out for an attack.

Shin heard as yelling and shouts in the form of these demonic chittering was produced before he multiple red dots on his map sped towards the gates where his counterparts began fighting.

He was thankful when they contacted each other to learn that they did literally nothing against his quadruped as they couldn't even get to its shield because of the many lasers, while they couldn't even land a hit on golden Freddy who just easily popped off their heads without looking at them like they were mere bugs.

Forming a small hole in front of him, he opened it up to reveal a red light pour.

In amazement shin saw a large underground city that he couldn't see on his map before.

Each building was red and overrun with large red roots however.

He could see in the far off distance the large gates were overcrowded with some new type of Bri he didn't see before joining the attack.

They were a bit bulkier and looked more deadly but when one of them faced up against a laser beam to the face it fell just the same.

Back on his map he saw the large red dot had not moved but what surprised him was that there was a singular smaller red dot nearby it.

Looking around through the hole he quickly dug it out before floating down to a nearby rooted roof.

Where he had landed seemed to resemble a fantasy castle but in the form of red roots and plants instead of brick and stone.

Just by looking at the city you could tell what each section of it meant.

The entrance where his counterparts were fighting the hordes contained the slums which moved to where workers would stay then the rich and finally where a king would live.

From what Azzy had said they worked like a hivemind and were all equal so this place that they stayed confused him.

Moving forward he moved off the roof and onto the ground where it seemed to resemble what a market place would've been,

Large wagons that had been broken were here and there.

Signs and goods had long since rotted and turned to a red powder with some halfway through that transition.

Even skeletons he recognised to be human were here and there with very old fashioned clothes that of the medieval periods.

Trotting his way forward he found himself next to the large castle that looked to have been taken over by nature with unnaturally large roots and plants forming it up.

Following his map and sensory, he came up to a large opening in the home in which he easily entered.

They probably didn't care for visitors or renovations as they didn't think anyone would get this far down.

Confining forward, he passed by the old ruins of this place in an eerie silence with the two dots coming into form in his eyes.

Just dead ahead in a separate room of this large castle were where they seemed to be.

Listening closely he could hear whispers of what would be a woman talking to herself with deep growls right behind her.

'This can't be good.' Shin thought as he made his way to the doors that would enter this room.

Using his skill he added some modifications silently to the door so that it wouldn't freak or fall making them alert that he was there.

Slowly cracking open the door he took a look around seeing the large area with multiple red plant life and even what seemed to be multiple carnivorous plant like the one from Mario except more deadly.

Aside from that he noticed a large cage that was dark inside next to where a king and queens throne would be but instead of that there was a large platform shaped like a pyramid with a viney throne at the top.

Shins eyes widened when he saw the figure standing at the top.

Sitting in the throne with an arm propped against her head was what he thought to be the queen.

A tall female with red skin and no clothes sat on the vines throne with no care in the world.

Looking at her face he was surprised to see she held resemblance to the demons with no eyes or nose and only a mouth with lips that seemed to smile.

Instead of hair was a simple smooth head that shaped kindly to her all the way down to her smooth neck.

Her chest supported large breasts with dark red nipples that bounced in the air.

He followed her form down to a muscular abdomen led to her small waist and large hips with those thicc thighs making him drool.

The desire to see what her ass would look like from under that throne sent him over as he felt himself begin to pop a boner.

"Hello human.. you can come out from behind the door, you cannot hide from me." The woman said bringing him out of his stupor.

Tidying himself up he entered the room with his hands in his pockets to act ralxed.

"Hello, my name is shin I'm sorry for intruding." He said slightly bowing himself over to show respect.

The queen seemed to chuckle before responding.

"My name is Alicia.. and your doing a lot more than intruding.. your trying to take over my palace with those strange metallic creatures at my entrance.. and that monster from above what was that." She asked raising her tone with anger appearing inner voice as well as confusion.

He had to agree with her that if he was in her place and multiple strange beings started attacking her palace he would be furious.

"Well… I didn't mean to try and attack you.. my uhm.. big friend on the top simply wanted to check out this mountain before a bunch of your underlines began to attack him. I wanted to try and clear this misunderstanding.. but we were attacked again at the entrance.. it's an act of self defence I assure you." Shin said as bullshit was sent completely flying out his mouth.

He said all this as if the robotic duo at the entrance were not trying to murder every single left over entity.

'I probably should've just left them there instead of provoking them.. but I'd bring them all to me if I didn't..' He sighed as a cold sweat appeared on his forehead as he tried to act innocent which he clearly wasn't.

Alicia simply stayed quiet before bursting out in laughter.

"You! Your something else little human you know that! Never have I thought that I would see such levels of lying straight to my face but here we are." She said as she hopped off her throne.

Shin watched as she walked her way down the pyramid structure and made her way to him before stopping.

Fully taking in her form he could truly see that she was a treat and a half.

"But I do feel something different about you than any human I've come across.." The queen said.

Shin gulped as she bended over with her large red tits directly in front of him as she observed him.

With a smile she backed up and went over to a portrait on the wall nearby.

"This place as you can tell is not ours, I discovered it long ago when I was still a pure queen." She responded as shin listened in interest.

Looking at an old painting of an unknown man and woman with two children she slashed it off the wall startling shin.

"I don't remember much but a millennium ago when I was a newborn queen the world was thrust into a war with the demons of that foul world.."

With a scowl on her face she began to breathe calmly to calm down her anger

"They overtook so much and even my tribe of fairies, they morphed us into a subspecies of their own and sent us to take over any surrounding areas." The tone of her voice began to soften and turn sad as shins interest grew.

Picking up the broken pieces of the frame she tried to put them together but failed before she dropped them back on the floor.

"We escaped from their forces to this ancient abandoned city under this mountain and tried to live here.. the ones who turned and had been with me were also Bri but they have long forgotten who they were." Alicia muttered befor continuing.

"Others have come and gone trying to fight us but as our numbers were too great we were finally left alone for years.. until you came." She said turning around to him.

Shin tensed as she watched him with that eyeless face of hers connected to her stunning body.

He was surprised when instead of launching out to attack him immediately she instead sighed.

"..But now I know things need to change.. Hu-Shin.. I can feel the potential you hold not just including your companions.." Alicia said.

'I think I know where this is going.' Shin thought as he prepared.

"So I'll ask you this, if you can overcome my trial and defeat it with your abilities, you'll gain my respect and loyalty.. but if you fail then you'll die anyway to the trial." Alicia finished making shin slightly nervous at what the trial would be.

He was prepared and powerful enough to face the trial she would throw at him so he accepted.

With a smile, Alicia turned over to that large cage he had saw earlier.

As the queen approached it and whispered something into the dark cage a loud rumble emerged before a roar was heard.


Alicia backed away with a leap as the cage began to get hit and dented by a large fist or something similar to it.

Shin looked in awe when the cage came tumbling down revealing a large plantoid creature with unnatural growth that looked like a fusion between a plant and a demon.

Alicia spoke up from the throne drawing his attention to her.

"This is Bartlemu, he was what turned us into what we are today, we managed to trap it down here when it followed us but we couldn't kill it not even with all of us together, so make sure to kill it or we all just might die!" She yelled as the large demon took notice of shin and began to drool in hunger.

'Well shit, so this was what that big red dot was.. oh well, no time like the present!'

With one swift motion he prepared for battle against this beast.

Watching as the beast began to prepare for a jump attack shin yehouted right at its face.

"Come at me! I've faced worse than this useless garbage."

The demon answered the yelled with a loud roar as it was pissed off when it heard such an insult.

Jumping into the air it reached out its large teeth connected to its plantoid figure trying to eat shin in one fell swoop but was cut off when a large metal hand reached out of the ground punching the demon straight into the face making Alicia root for shin in the background.

"Oh yeah… things are getting good." He muttered as another giant metal hand formed from beneath the ground.


Cracking his metallic knuckles and his own he got into a battle stance before Bartlemu lept again in an even fiercer rage


To be continued.

Tired.. me go sleep.