It is one of the female servants you hired a few weeks ago. She normally has brown hair, but it looks like it has recently been dyed blonde.

The head rider scoffs, "That is not her. Your wasting my time mercenary."

Arlo looks shocked, "What do you mean, she matches your description perfectly…how was I supposed to know you were looking for some other blonde woman?"

Arlo puts the hooded cloak back on her, before they can notice the dye dripping off.

The head rider is rather upset now, "We know she headed this way…if your hiding her…you will regret it."

Arlo feigns being hurt by the head rider's words, "We aren't hiding her Sir, if you don't believe me go look for yourself. We have nothing to hide."

"Very well", replies the head rider. He orders his men to do a throughout search. They come back empty handed.

The head rider is rather upset after the search yields nothing, and is about to leave when Anne yells at him, "Hey what about our reward?"

The head rider looks at her with distain, "That was if you had her, which you didn't."

Anne walks up, with her hand tightly around her sheathed sword, "You just wasted about an hour of our time mister. You should have been more specific about the girl. Give us our gold before this gets ugly."

The header rider is unsure of what to do, "The money was for information leading to her whereabouts…"

Anne nods slowly, "Exactly…and now you know she isn't here." Anne stares him down.

The head rider is unnerved by Anne and throws a bag of gold on the ground, "Here is 50 gold pieces for your time, but if you run into the little thief you best let us know."

"Thief?", whispers Arlo.

You get worried that Anne is about to demand the full 100, when she nods and says, "That will do, and takes her hand off her sword."

The riders leave in a hurry.