A servant delivers a letter to Anne. Anne reads it and gives out a half grin.
"Good news?", asks Arlo.
"Perhaps…", replies Anne, "It is a letter from Eadic."
Anne opens some windows to let more light inside the room.
"Really? How is he doing?", replies Arlo.
Anne shrugs, "He must be doing pretty well. Looks like he has setup shop in the capital."
Arlo peaks over Anne's shoulder, "What else does it say?"
Anne starts to pull the letter away, "Hey now…he sent it to me not you."
Arlo scoffs, "He knows if he sent it to me you would read it anyways…"
Anne laughs, "Well…apparently he may have a job for us."
Arlo looks surprised, "Really…what are the details?"
Anne shrugs, "He doesn't go into too much detail. Just that he is looking to hire additional mercenaries and one group unexpectedly didn't show up. He said he will be in the capital for the next week. We should probably stop by and see him."
Anne suddenly realizes something and then looks over at you, "I mean…if the Captain agrees of course."
What do you say?