Anne looks at the chieftain, "We will take care of this problem for you…what is their number?"

The chieftain replies, "There are originally about twenty of them…but now that they control the village my scouts say they number about 50 and rising…."

"I have reports that they plan to attack another village soon.", says the Chieftain, "I want you to go there and reinforce the village."

The chieftain motions one of his warriors to come close. The warrior approaches and the chief hands him a scroll. The warrior then hands the scroll to Anne.

"This is a map of the village and surrounding area…Bjorn will act as your guide.", says the chieftain.

The warrior bows slightly at Anne.

"He is from the village we think the necromancers will attack next. He should be able to help you a great deal.", says the Chieftain.

Anne nods.

The chieftain stands, "It is very important that this village does not fall…if they control it…they will gain an important foothold in the region. There are still some of the twelve tribes that are hesitate to fight the invaders…I need time to convince them that they can be beaten."