Once you are alone Arlo speaks up, "What the hell was that Anne?"

Anne rolls her eyes, "Calm down Arlo…maybe I should have introduced you as Arlo the Unbright…"

Arlo gets upset, "What do you think is going to happen when the Chieftain finds out I have no experience fighting the undead…and that my spear won't strike them down like you said!"

Anne laughs, "Don't worry about it…this death magic crap is nonsense. Just strike them down like you would any other enemy soldier."

Arlo sighs, "I hope your right."

"Hey, I just increased our fee considerably…you should be thanking me.", replies Anne.

You interrupt, "Only if we get the job done."

Anne nods, "Yeah…50 enemy soldiers…possibly backed up with warriors from the barbarian village…think we could take them?"

Arlo rubs his chin, "Maybe…if we concentrate on the necro…I mean foreign troops. If barbar…I mean Galamencians see them fall…perhaps they will switch sides."

Anne smiles, "A bold strategy…"

Arlo smiles, "Thank you…I think that is one of the first compliments you have…"

Anne interrupts him, "Good thing that is what I already had in mind."

She looks over at you, "Think we have a good chance Captain?"