You arrive on deck just in time to see what appears to be an exact replica of Daelynn disappear into thin air. Morkai is standing next to where the illusion used to be, glaring at the spot where it had stood as if it personally offended him.

As soon as you are within his sight, he snaps his head around to glare contemptuously at Daelynn. "You think you're so smart, don't you?" he spits at her, his voice conveying complete and utter disgust.

The elf, for her part, doesn't seem particularly intimidated by his behavior—instead, she smiles at him flirtatiously. "Fooled you, didn't I, sourpuss?"

You could cut the silence that follows that comment with a knife. Morkai's face is a grimace of shocked disbelief, Daelynn's a devious leer. You, for your part, take a step away from the woman. Just in case the redhead decides to lunge or something.

"What did you just call me?" he asks, seething, his hands clenching into fists.

You look around for Straasa; he'd be useful at defusing this powder keg waiting to explode. You spot him at the other end of the ship, still busy with unloading sirens.

Frell. It's all up to you. But do you even want to do something about this situation?