Deadly Impact

Alicia was a little surprised when Belle immediately advised her. From her expression, she knew that Azriel was not well received in the House de Axeshade.

"I'll remember it." Not wanting her plan to be discovered by her maid, she just nodded in agreement.

"You don't need to see Young Master Azriel again and leave it to him... I'm sure the child will be fine in the hands of a Doctor." After hearing her master's story, Belle was a little worried because her master's problems could not be taken lightly. Moreover, her meeting with Azriel without being accompanied by a maid, and unexpected things can happen during their meeting.

But her tension subsided a little and became more relaxed when Alicia hugged her again because she already knew what her master was going through.

"Belle, you smell good." When she brought her head back to Belle's neck, she began to notice that Belle emitted a rather seductive fragrance.