Chapter 2

Merlin, who has a good relationship with women, no matter how sloppy, there is never a shortage of beautiful women around him, walking through the flowers with ease.

Therefore, Merlin was also very helpless. Those beautiful bosses came to find herself in sexy underwear in the middle of the night, talked about some sad and emotional topics, and told the failure of marriage.

As a succubus, Merlin instinctively wants to comfort these women and calm their sad hearts.

He swears that he has nothing out of the ordinary, just ordinary chat, but there are still various scandals.

The reason why Merlin was able to reach the high state of not touching the body was largely because women saw too much, and based on the 200-year-old human being, he had passed the restless age of opening the harem.

For Merlin, women are sensitive creatures and need to be treated tenderly and heal all wounds in the soul. His creed is

Never force women to do things, because toughness is the most effective way.

In this way, Merlin did nothing, owed a debt, and spent more than a year in an ambiguous relationship with different women every day.

Merlin did not write to his sister Lilith, but chose to hide it.Because he was afraid that he would be seen by Lilith in this wasteful appearance, it was ashamed that he was afraid that the title of Brother Waste was not taken seriously.

And Lilith, who is crazy, will kill all those boss ladies regardless of the situation?Or choose to lose contact...

Merlin felt that life in the Demon King's Palace was everywhere, and it was very uncomfortable. Lilith was really right. She was a squat at home. She would be scolded and fired outside.

He feels that the outside world is very similar to his original real world and has certain social rules.

For example, in the tavern last month, I heard a group of old mercenaries bragging, saying that the next-door Soviet had organized a giant soldier, and then someone retorted that Great Britain had an ocean-going fleet.

Merlin sighed inwardly, isn't this a force deterrence between countries to show off their muscles?It's exactly the same.

He felt that if he had not been arrogant and disdainful of fighting, looting and burning, he would have been sloppy, ah, ah, he had smashed the queen of Great Britain and became a king himself.

Even if Merlin followed the rules of another world humanely, he was still wanted by a group of petty restaurant owners.

Every day, there are a group of rookie adventurers who trouble Merlin for the bounty, but they are all beaten up with bruised nose and swollen face, crying and going home to look for their mother.

Mei Lin did not bother to draw his sword at a group of salty fish that were forced to talk, because it was not a holy order, it was useless, it was a waste of time.

You asked Merlin why he didn't chop up the restaurant owner?

Because he, as an arrogant monarch, couldn't afford to lose that person, he drew his sword and cut the restaurant owner in order not to pay for the meal. It is estimated that his name will be engraved on the shame pillar of the demon clan tomorrow.

The curse of the heart is fine for the time being. In the past year, Mei Lin has cut down four or five holy rank powerhouses, relying on them to continue his life, and still be free for a while.

At this time, Merlin trek to Wales on foot, for the lady boss who sleeps here, ah!It's about resting here for a while, looking for a job and hanging around.

Merlin hadn't eaten for five days and was penniless. I remembered that she stole other people's lambs last time, and sat on the ground and roasted them. As a result, she was chased by the shepherd two miles with a whip.

Just as Merlin murmured and complained about the society, and cursed capitalism for exploiting the rights of the family.

Suddenly two masked thieves sprang out from both sides of the path, and the daggers in their hands flew up and down like juggling.

The black-robed and grey-robed thieves laughed weirdly. They waited in ambush all morning and finally waited for a silly hat to be ransacked.

Merlin stopped, eyes a little hungry, and asked in surprise, "What are you doing?"

"Hmph!" The black-robed thief sneered and opened his mouth, "Heavenly king covers the earth~!"

Merlin hesitated and said tentatively

"Everything is hard~?"